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Useful information
A nextflow pipeline with a GMS touch for running the ARTIC network's fieldbioinformatics tools (https://github.com/artic-network/fieldbioinformatics).
- The illumina and nanopore tracks automatically run pangolin
ssh [email protected]
NOTE: sge process is not supported on the /gms-storage-aws/, so need to run the pipeline locally from /home
- Update the Singularity container once in a month.
- Pangolin version is updating almost every month/twice per month.
- For different nanopore pipelines, need to use different primers;
primer-schemes are designed as per Nanopore protocol, need to choose the right one, before executing the run,
--scheme-directory primer_schemes/[artic/midnight/eden]/nCoV-2019/[Version number]/
- Separate Pangolin Singularity container required for the Nanopore analysis. Need to update the container regularly.
- Available Containers
A. Cloud -
i. Singularity - Illumina, Nanopore, Pangolin
ii. Docker - Illumina, Nanopore, Pangolin
singularity pull library://jd2112/gms-artic-illumina/gms-artic-illumina.sif:latest singularity pull library://jd2112/gms-artic-illumina/gms-artic-nanopore.sif:latest singularity pull library://jd2112/gms-artic-illumina/pangolin:latest
B. Local iii.Singularity iv. Condadocker pull jd21/gms-artic_illumina:latest docker pull jd21/gms-artic_nanopore:latest docker pull jd21/pangolin:latest
$ [your home]
$ cp /gms-storage-aws/gms-artic/ .
$ nextflow run main.nf -profile singularity,sge \
--illumina --prefix "test_illumina" \
--directory .github/data/fastqs/ \
--outdir illumina_test
$ [your home]
$ cp /gms-storage-aws/gms-artic/ .
$ nextflow run main.nf -profile singularity,sge \
--nanopolish --prefix "test_nanopore" \
--basecalled_fastq .github/data/nanopore/20200311_1427_X1_FAK72834_a3787181/fastq_pass/ \
--fast5_pass .github/data/nanopore/20200311_1427_X1_FAK72834_a3787181/fast5_pass/ \
--sequencing_summary .github/data/nanopore/20200311_1427_X1_FAK72834_a3787181/sequencing_summary_FAK72834_298b7829.txt \
--scheme-directory primer_schemes/midnight/nCoV-2019/V1/ \
--outdir nanopore_test
Requires -
i. For Illumina: illumina/<SAMPLE_NAME>
ii. For Nanopore
a. artic: artic/<SAMPLE_NAME>
b. midnight: midnight/<SAMPLE_NAME>
The result directory will contains $SAMPLE_NAME_Results_$date
e.g., SAMPLE_NAME = SRR001
The result directory name: SRR001_Results_2021-07-21
The SAMPLE files will be copied to another DIRECTORY
The SAMPLE_FILES will be removed from the SAMPLE_DIRECTORY/
Update Singularity containers
monthly build new containers
check for updates.
important info: to run pipeline after downloading the latest from git, check files permission in bin/ folder.
The program will continuously check the folder /gms-storage-aws/TEST/ for addition/deletion of data inside the folder