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Go library to create PostgreSQL dumps without external dependencies.


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go-pgdump - Go PostgreSQL Dump

License GitHub issues GitHub go.mod Go version (branch & subdirectory of monorepo)

Create PostgreSQL or CSV dumps in Go without the pg_dump CLI as a dependancy.

Inspired by go-mysqldump which does that but for MySQL/MariaDB.

Doesn't feature all of pg_dump features just yet so it is still a work in progress.

Simple example for a CLI tool using the library

package main

import (


var (
 username  = flag.String("u", "", "username for PostgreSQL")
 password  = flag.String("p", "", "password for PostgreSQL")
 hostname  = flag.String("h", "", "hostname for PostgreSQL")
 db        = flag.String("d", "", "database name for PostgreSQL")
 port      = flag.Int("P", 5432, "port number for PostgreSQL")
 dumpCSV   = flag.Bool("csv", false, "dump to CSV")
 csvTables = flag.String("tables", "", "comma-separated list of table names to dump to CSV")
 outputDir = flag.String("o", "", "path to output directory")
 suffix    = flag.String("sx", "", "suffix of table names for dump")
 prefix    = flag.String("px", "", "prefix of table names for dump")
 schema    = flag.String("s", "", "schema filter for dump")

func BackupPostgreSQL(username, password, hostname, dbname, outputDir string, port int) {
 // PostgreSQL connection string
 psqlInfo := fmt.Sprintf("host=%s port=%d user=%s password=%s dbname=%s sslmode=disable",
  hostname, port, username, password, dbname)

 // Create a new dumper instance with connection string and number of threads
 dumper := pgdump.NewDumper(psqlInfo, 50)

 // Check if CSV dump is requested
 if *dumpCSV {
  tableList := strings.Split(*csvTables, ",")
  csvFiles, err := dumper.DumpToCSV(outputDir, tableList...)
  if err != nil {
   log.Fatal("Error dumping to CSV:", err)
  fmt.Println("CSV files successfully saved in:", csvFiles)
 } else {
  // Regular SQL dump
  currentTime := time.Now()
  dumpFilename := filepath.Join(
   fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s.sql", dbname, currentTime.Format("20060102T150405")),

  if err := dumper.DumpDatabase(dumpFilename, &pgdump.TableOptions{
   TableSuffix: *suffix,
   TablePrefix: *prefix,
   Schema:      *schema,
  }); err != nil {
   log.Fatal("Error dumping database:", err)

  fmt.Println("Dump successfully saved to:", dumpFilename)

func main() {
 BackupPostgreSQL(*username, *password, *hostname, *db, *outputDir, *port)

Usage for a database dump with default port

./go-pgdump-cli -u user -p example -h localhost -d test -o test -sx example -px test -s myschema

Usage for a CSV dump with custom port

./go-pgdump-cli -u user -p example -h localhost -d test -P 5433 -o test -csv -tables employees,departments

See more about the CLI tool here.


Contributions are welcome. Please fork the repository and submit a pull request with your changes or improvements.


This project is licensed under MIT - see the LICENSE file for details.


Go library to create PostgreSQL dumps without external dependencies.






