This is a NodeJS CLI tool that uses snoowrap to downvote comments on reddit. It can take mutiple targets at a time, and may downvote up to 250 comments in less than 3 seconds!
git clone
cd mass-reddit-downvoter
ornpm install
Add credentials in
To get these credentials, you need to make a script app on reddit. The steps will be detailed below, but if you want more info you can check out Reddit's Oauth2 GuideFirst, go to and press the [Create an App] button. Fill in the text fields as follows:
- Name:
- App type: script
- redirect URI:
- description (optional):
To give downvotes massively
- About URL (optional):
After you have created your app, it should look a bit like this:
Once you've created your app, you have to authorize it to have access to your account. To do this, copy the URL below on a text editor and replace
with your actual client ID (Marked with a red arrow on the example):
and slap that authorize button.Once that's done, you have all the credentials you need to start using the script!
- User Agent: You can get it from this website.
- Client Id: marked with a red arrow on the image
- Client Secret: marked with a blue arrow on the image
- Username: marked with a green arrow on the image
- Password: password of your reddit account. Only you know it (hopefully)
: - Name:
"userAgent": "YOUR-USER-AGENT-HERE",
"clientId": "YOUR-CLIENT-ID-HERE",
"clientSecret": "YOUR-CLIENT-SECRET-HERE",
"username": "YOUR-USERNAME-HERE",
"password": "YOUR-PASSWORD-HERE"
node downvoter.js [--targets val1 val2] [-l 50]
/--targets target1 target2 target3
This argument specifies users to downvote, separated by a space.
DEFAULT: targets are loaded from targets.default
/--limit number
Specifies how many comments will be downvoted.
Note that only comments made within the 30 days will be downvoted
Example: node downvoter.js --targets F0REM4N spez gallowboob --limit 69
The current setup of mass-reddit-downvoter should avoid calls to comments older than 30 days. If all targets are downvoted successfully you'll get an stdout object letting you know the results of the PRD in an array called messages
of objects structured as
target: nameOfTarget,
successfullyDownvoted: count,
olderThanThirty: count of comments older than 30 days,
fiveOhThreeErrors: count of 503 errors encountered while downvoting
Please note that messages[index].fiveOhThreeErrors
only includes a count of downvotes that threw 503s and not entire targets. If the entire target request throws a 503 error, stdout will print a message that says There was a 503 error (reddit is busy) when trying to downvote gallowboob. Try getting petty with it later and make sure to spam the shit out of reddit admins in a pettyway about how bad their servers are.This is what was done before the error [messages]
. This is somewhat ugly because if you catch several 503 errors it makes the console messy.
If you are expecting to downvote more than 600 posts in 10 minutes, add the key-value pair requestDelay: 1000
to the r.config({})
object to avoid API ratelimit errors.
This project is heavily based off of Mike Duran Mitchell's petty-reddit-downvoter. However, multiple additions and fixes have been done to this new repository, such as:
- Cleaner code (Removed unused variables; Fixed indentation)
- Load targets from
- A lot more documentation on usage
- Bugfixes (bad JSON format)
- etc