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FallParams meticulously analyzes website links to craft targeted parameter wordlists, fueling efficient bug hunting and vulnerability discovery. It accepts a list of URLs as input, expertly scanning their source code to uncover valuable parameters. For comprehensive exploration, unleash its crawling capabilities to unearth hidden parameters within linked pages. FallParams seamlessly navigates dynamic content with headless browser support, ensuring thorough parameter extraction across all website facets.
go install
fallparams -h
This will display help for the tool. Here are all the switches it supports.
Find All Parameters
fallparams [flags]
-u, -url string Input [Filename | URL]
-dir, -directory string Stored requests/responses files directory path (offline)
-r, -request string File containing the raw http request
-t, -thread int Number of Threads [Number] (default 1)
-rd, -delay int Request delay between each request in seconds
-c, -crawl Crawl pages to extract their parameters
-d, -depth int maximum depth to crawl (default 2)
-ct, -crawl-duration value maximum duration to crawl the target
-hl, -headless Discover parameters with headless browser
-H, -header "Name: Value" Header "Name: Value", separated by colon. Multiple -H flags are accepted.
-X, -method string HTTP method to use (default "GET")
-b, -body string POST data
-x, -proxy string Proxy URL (SOCKS5 or HTTP). For example: or socks5://
-o, -output string File to write output to (default "parameters.txt")
-xl, -max-length int Maximum length of words (default 30)
-nl, -min-length int Minimum length of words
-silent Disables the banner and prints output to the command line.
-duc, -disable-update-check Disable automatic fallparams update check
If you encounter problems installing and running Fallparams, ensure that the version of Go installed on your system is the latest. Additionally, verify that you have GCC installed.
To create a parameter wordlist suitable for the page you are working on, simply provide the page link to fallparams.
fallparams -u "https://target.tld/page"
If you have many URLs for which you want to create a parameter wordlist, save all your URLs in a file and then provide the file name to fallparams.
fallparams -u "/path/to/file.txt"
You can also save the entire HTTP packet to a file and use it as an input for the tool, ensuring that it sends the exact same headers, cookies, and other details in the requests.
fallparams -r "request.txt"
The URLs you provide might require a specific header to open or may return a different response based on the header. For example, the user information change section on most sites requires an authentication cookie. Using the following method, you can set as many headers as needed for sending the requests.
fallparams -u "https://target.tld/profile/edit" -H "Cookie: auth=token" -H "Role: Admin"
If your target responds differently when a POST request with a specific value is sent, you can execute the fallparams command using the following method:
fallparams -u "https://target.tld/path" -X POST -b "param=value" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
Many modern websites utilize JavaScript to dynamically generate their DOM, leading to variations between HTTP responses and browser DOM. To bridge this disparity, employing the headless switch can be advantageous.
fallparams -u "https://target.tld/page" -headless
One of the great features of fallparams is its ability to use Katana to crawl the links provided as input, resulting in more links and eventually creating a comprehensive parameter wordlist.
fallparams -u "https://target.tld/page" -crawl
If you've already run Katana or any other tool and stored the answer or source pages in files, simply move all the files into one directory. Then provide the directory path to fallparams. In this case, fallparams itself will not send a request and will use the contents of your files.
fallparams -dir "/path/to/directory"
To enhance the quality of your parameter wordlist, it's crucial to filter out noisy or irrelevant words that may enter during creation. One effective way to achieve this is by setting a specific character limit for each parameter.
fallparams -u "https://target.tld/page" -max-length 30
You can also specify the minimum number of characters for each parameter.
fallparams -u "https://target.tld/page" -min-length 3
By default, the generated parameter wordlist is saved in the parameters.txt file. However, you can customize the name and path of the output file as needed.
fallparams -u "https://target.tld/page" -output "custom_name.txt"
Contributions to Fallparams are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, we appreciate your contribution. Your feedback helps us make Fallparams better for everyone.