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Code for ZHH analysis with ILD


Running the analysis requires dependencies provided by the key4hep stack and more. For a list of them, see this list.

The recommended way to setup the environment variables is to use It can install all necessary dependencies via the --install switch (see here). All necessary environment variables are saved in .env the first time runs successfully and loaded from there automatically in all subsequent runs.

If you wish to use your own local copies of the repositories, create (or edit, if it already exists) the .env file according to the list outlined here.

Fresh install

source --install --install-dir ./dependencies

This will download the necessary repositories and for ILDConfig extract LCFIPlus weights. Also, if the directory $ZHH_VENV_NAME (defaults zhhvenv) is not found, a virtual environment can be automatically set up, including python 3.11 and all dependencies defined in the requirements.txt file. Also, all ZHH and dependency processors will be compiled.

After that, the framework is setup for both the analysis of individual files and the submission of batch jobs using law (see here).

Using an existing setup


List of required dependencies

Either you or source --install should make sure the following environment variables exist. If you want to specify values yourself, please use the .env file with the KEY="VALUE" syntax for compatability.

Environment variable Target / Description
REPO_ROOT this repository
DATA_PATH Where all batch jobs save their outputs. Defaults to /nfs/dust/ilc/user/$(whoami)/zhh.
TORCH_PATH (*) python -c 'import torch; print(f"{torch.__file__}")'
PYTHON_VERSION (**) Defaults to 3.11.

(*) autodiscovered from the key4hep-stack. Necessary for ParticleNet.
(**) autodiscovered from the python installation of the conda environment

Optional variables are

Environment variable Target / Description


With the current key4hep stack version, SLDCorrection fails before other processors (e.g. FinalStateRecorder) can complete. This is temporarily fixed either by setting fillRootTree=false in the steering file or using a fixed version of SLDCorrection, see here. In the latter case, create a zhh_post_setup function in that updates MARLIN_DLL to point to your MarlinReco library.

Compiling and installing processors

For each processor under source/, do

mkdir build
cd build
make install

The absolute path of the resulting library file *.so must then be added to MARLIN_DLL as via

$MARLIN_DLL=$MARLIN_DLL:<Path to compiled library file>

Helper script to compile all ZHH processors:

If you compile a freshly cloned copy of all ZHH processors from scratch, you might want to use source from the top level directory of the repository. It saves some typing, that's all.

If you only want to integrate changes, call source keep. This will not remove any existing build files.

Running the analysis

For development, it is desirable to just use Marlin with the given

For testing

The analysis runs Marlin with a steering file covering the llHH, vvHH and qqHH channels at once, with individual options for jet clustering, ISR recovery + lepton pairing and hypothesis-dependent cuts.

Marlin scripts/prod.xml --constant.ILDConfigDir=$ILD_CONFIG_DIR --constant.ZHH_REPO_ROOT=$REPO_ROOT

For convenience, you can use the MarlinZHH shorthand, which automatically attaches ILDConfigDir as well as ZHH_REPO_ROOT and runs the prod.xml file per default. If you wish to use another file, you can use MarlinZHH path-to-steering-file.xml.

Supplying the environment variables is necessary because the weight files of LCFIPlus reside within ILDConfig and the preselection cuts are read from a JSON file inside config.

For production

For the full analysis, the framework luigi analysis workflows (law) is used. It handles the automatic submission of batch jobs for all available physics samples. More information can be found in the README of the subdirectory workflows.

Other Information

Activating conda

In one shell

eval "$($CONDA_ROOT/bin/conda shell.$shell_name hook)"

In every terminal by default

If you want to make the conda installation by the script available from your terminal by default, run the following command (change bash if you're using a different shell):

cd $CONDA_ROOT/bin
./conda init bash

After restarting your shell, conda activate zhh should be available.


Y. Radkhorrami for the correction of semi-leptonic decays. See here for the SLDCorrection processor. Also the processors here as well as here for necessary corrections of the covariance matrices of charged and neutral particles.


code for ZHH analysis with ILD






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