- Example web server application implementing the Clean architecture concept as an example web server.
- API spec is based on https://www.todobackend.com/
- Technology
- Language: TypeScript
- Database: SQLite (in memory)
- Web server: Koa
- Fell free to comment and suggest improvements either by creating issue or PR :).
- The project is trying to implement the Clean architecture on small example app.
- The folder structure mirrors the Clean architecture as closely as possible. The folders that directly relate to the Clean architecture concepts (and the diagram above) have number prefixes, so they are sorted from the most outer layer to the most inner layer.
- Folders:
- There are eslint rules preventing importing from inner layer to the outer layers (see nested
- Folders:
- The project tries to purposely use a small number of dependencies and other architectural concepts to keep it simple, so not every part of the code is probably how you would write it in a real production app (for example error handling is done with a simple union of
Data | Error
, in real-world project you would probably useEither
type from some library). - After the project is started, there is example data put in the database (see storage-migrations.ts).
- Routes
GET, POST, DELETE/todos/:id
- API Spec
- Postman collection
- Install dependencies with
npm install
. - Start the project with
npm run dev
. - See all the scripts you can run in package.json.
- add user domain with login/register etc
- Maybe add more than one thing in the use-case? So we have more than one of each in the use case?
- something like dummy email service?
- is
still needed? - fix all
in the code - run everything through Grammarly
- https://blog.cleancoder.com/uncle-bob/2012/08/13/the-clean-architecture.html
- https://bazaglia.com/clean-architecture-with-typescript-ddd-onion/
- https://dev.to/bespoyasov/clean-architecture-on-frontend-4311
- https://herbertograca.com/2017/11/16/explicit-architecture-01-ddd-hexagonal-onion-clean-cqrs-how-i-put-it-all-together/
- https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/a-quick-introduction-to-clean-architecture-990c014448d2/
- https://github.com/mattia-battiston/clean-architecture-example