The Cr0sh exploit is here on any version that has cr0sh blocked!
-> I ( found this when I was trying to do cr0sh-vmc my school had blocked it I power washed and was able to do it!
-> I ( created a writeup.
-> nothing
- PowerWash your chromebook.
- sign-into YOUR ACCOUNT.
- turn off the wifi.
- Restart quick using refresh + power.
- reboot and sign in again with wifi off the second u sign-in (when the sign in/add account thing is gone and your on your background screen)
- press ctrl + alt + t.
- And boom unblocked cr0sh
- type in vmc to see if it's blocked
- then just follow 3kh0's steps his github look for the discussion CR0SH VMC I DID NOT SEE ON LIST
-> Extensions can't block you if you use cr0sh vmc!