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Helicone Helm Chart

This project is licensed under Apache 2.0 with The Commons Clause.

Getting Started

The Helicone Helm chart deploys a complete Helicone stack including web interface, API, OpenAI proxy, and supporting services.

Important Notes for Installation

  1. Use values.example.yaml as your starting point

    • Copy values.example.yaml to values.yaml to create your configuration
    • The example file is configured with a standard setup that routes all services through a single domain
    • Customize the domain and other settings to match your environment
  2. Ingress Configuration

    • The main ingress configuration is in the extraObjects section at the bottom of the values file
    • This creates a single ingress that routes to different services based on path:
      • / - Web interface
      • /jawn(/|$)(.*) - Jawn service
      • /oai(/|$)(.*) - OpenAI proxy
      • /api2(/|$)(.*) - API service
      • /supabase(/|$)(.*) - Supabase/Kong
    • You should only need to change the host value to your domain
  3. Accessing the Web Interface

    • Once deployed, the web interface will be accessible at your configured domain
    • No port-forwarding is needed when ingress is properly configured
  4. Understanding the Routing Strategy

    • All Helicone services are accessed through a single domain with different path prefixes
    • Example URLs for a domain
      • Web UI:
      • OpenAI Proxy:
      • API:
      • Supabase:
      • Jawn:
    • This routing is configured in the extraObjects section of the values file
    • Individual service ingress configurations are disabled by default as they're not needed
  5. Supabase Studio Configuration

    • Supabase Studio can be accessed through the main domain at /supabase
    • If you prefer a separate domain for Supabase Studio, you can enable its dedicated ingress:
            enabled: true
            hostname: ""
            tls: true
    • This configuration has been tested and works well with cert-manager and TLS
  6. S3 Configuration

    • S3 storage is disabled by default (S3_ENABLED: "false")

    • If you want to enable S3 storage, set S3_ENABLED: "true" in the values file

    • Create a bucket in your cloud

    • For GCP you will have to go into the interoperability section and create an access key

    • Create the required secret:

      # For GCP
      kubectl -n default create secret generic helicone-s3 \
      --from-literal=access_key='' \
      --from-literal=bucket_name='helicone-bucket' \
      --from-literal=endpoint='' \
      # For MinIO (example)
      kubectl -n default create secret generic helicone-s3 \
      --from-literal=access_key='minio' \
      --from-literal=bucket_name='request-response-storage' \
      --from-literal=endpoint='http://localhost:9000' \
    • Configure CORS for your bucket using the provided bucketCorsConfig.json file

Release Process

Google Cloud's Artifact Registry is used to store the helm chart. The following steps are to be followed to release a new version of the chart. Google's Documentation

Test the chart


gcloud auth application-default login
gcloud container clusters get-credentials helicone --location us-west1-b

If cluster does not exist

  1. Create a new GKE cluster with the following command

    gcloud container clusters create helicone \
    --enable-stackdriver-kubernetes \
    --subnetwork default \
    --num-nodes 1 \
    --machine-type e2-standard-8 \
    --zone us-west1-b
  2. Install the chart with the following command

    helm install helicone ./
  3. Connect via K9s and verify the pods are running.

    k9s -n default
  4. Port forward to the following services:

    • web
    • oai
    • api
  5. Send a request to oai and api services and verify they are showing in the web.

  6. If everything is working as expected, delete the cluster with the following command

    Important: As this is expensive, please remember to delete the cluster after testing.

    gcloud container clusters delete helicone

If cluster exists

  1. Increase number of nodes in the cluster

    gcloud container clusters resize helicone --node-pool default-pool --num-nodes [NUM_NODES]
  2. Upgrade the helm chart

    helm upgrade helicone ./ -f values.yaml

When done testing

  1. Decrease the number of nodes in the cluster

    gcloud container clusters resize helicone --node-pool default-pool --num-nodes 0

Release the chart

  1. Update the Chart.yaml file with the new version number.

  2. Package the chart with

    helm package .
  3. Authenticate

    gcloud auth print-access-token | helm registry login -u oauth2accesstoken \
  4. Push the chart to the repository with

    helm push helicone-[VERSION].tgz oci://
  5. Notify the consumers of the new version.

Consumer Instructions

  1. Auth with gcloud docker

    gcloud auth configure-docker
  2. Configure helm auth

    gcloud auth application-default print-access-token | helm registry login -u oauth2accesstoken \
  3. Or to impersonate a service account

    gcloud auth application-default print-access-token \
    --impersonate-service-account=SERVICE_ACCOUNT | helm registry login -u oauth2accesstoken \
  4. Pull the chart locally

    helm pull oci:// \
    --version [VERSION] \
  5. To install directly from OCI registry

    helm install helicone oci:// \
    --version [VERSION]
  6. Add cors for the s3 bucket

    gcloud storage buckets update gs://<BUCKET_NAME> --cors-file=bucketCorsConfig.json

Add a new consumer

Add consumer's Google Cloud Service Account to the Enterprise Consumer group within the helicone-416918 project.

The Enterprise Consumer group will be scoped to the Artifact Registry Reader role.

Or directly add the Artifact Registry Reader role to the consumer's service account.


Create clickhouse secret

If you don't specify, it will create a default user and password.

kubectl -n default create secret generic helicone-clickhouse \
--from-literal=CLICKHOUSE_USER='default' \

Additional Ingress & Cert Manager Configuration Steps

For a complete deployment with TLS and proper ingress routing, follow these steps:

  1. Install cert-manager

    helm repo add jetstack
    helm repo update
    helm upgrade --install \
    cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager \
    --namespace cert-manager \
    --create-namespace \
    --set installCRDs=true

    Apply production issuer

    kubectl apply -f prod_issuer.yaml
  2. Install Ingress Nginx

    helm repo add ingress-nginx
    helm install nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx --namespace nginx --set rbac.create=true --set controller.publishService.enabled=true
  3. Configure Helicone

    • Create your values.yaml file by copying the example:
      cp values.example.yaml values.yaml
    • Edit values.yaml and replace all instances of with your actual domain
    • Ensure the extraObjects section at the bottom of the file has the correct ingress configuration
    • Create required secrets:
      # Create clickhouse secret (optional, defaults will be used if not specified)
      kubectl -n default create secret generic helicone-clickhouse \
        --from-literal=CLICKHOUSE_USER='default' \
    • For S3 configuration, see section 6 "S3 Configuration" above
    • Make sure your domain's DNS A record points to the load balancer IP that will be created
  4. Install the Helicone helm chart

    helm upgrade helicone ./ -f values.yaml --install
  5. Verify the deployment

    • Check that all pods are running: kubectl get pods
    • Get the external IP of your ingress: kubectl get svc -n nginx
    • Ensure your domain points to this IP address
    • Access your Helicone installation at

Note: The ingress configuration in the extraObjects section is critical for proper routing. This creates a single ingress that routes to different services based on path prefixes.


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