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Docker image

Public image available at:

You do not need to build the docker image yourself. You can just pull the prepared image which is available for both linux/amd and linux/arm architectures.

docker pull harrykodden/scim

Build the image

Alternatively, you can build the image yourself:

docker build -t scim .

Starting the application

docker run -p 8000:8000 harrykodden/scim

or if you build it yourself:

docker run -p 8000:8000 scim

This will show like:

INFO: Started server process [1]
INFO: Waiting for application startup.
INFO: Application startup complete.
INFO: Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

go to your browser and open window at:


This will open the OpenAPI document interface. In this you can experiment and execute all the SCIM API Endpoints.

OpenAPI Document

Data handling options

You have different options to handle the data. The simplest is the the flat files handling. You simply assign a (volume-) path to the location where you want to persist the data. Other options include SQL and NoSQL database, JumpCloud and forwarding the data to an upstream SCIM Server.

Data Handling Options

The options can be activated by assiging environment variable values, see below.

The plugin methodology makes it very easy to add additional data backends, you simply have to subclass the Plugin Class (code/data/plugins/ and provide logic for the base class methods.

# code/data/plugins/

from typing import Any
import uuid

class Plugin(object):
    """Base class that each plugin must inherit from. within this class
    you must define the methods that all of your plugins must implement

    def __init__(self):
        self.description = 'UNKNOWN'

    def id(self) -> str:
        return str(uuid.uuid4())

    def __iter__(self) -> Any:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __delete__(self, id: str) -> None:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __getitem__(self, id: str) -> Any:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __setitem__(self, id: str, details: Any) -> None:
        raise NotImplementedError

For inspiration on how to do that, please take a look at the provided implementation examples. If you do want to contribute with a nice additional backend, please do not hesitate to submit a Pull Request.

Available Plugins...

At this moment the following Plugin Options are implementated:

  • Flat Files (e.g. /tmp/Users/..., /tmp/Groups/...)
  • Relational Database (SQL)
  • MongoDB (No-SQL)
  • JumpCloud
  • SCIM (Proxy incomming SCIM requests to upstream SCIM Server)
  • LDAP

The actual Plugin is selected by providing the corresponding envrionment variables, see below.

Environment variables

This image uses environment variables for configuration.

Available variables Description Example Default
LOGLEVEL The application logging level ERROR INFO
API_KEY The API key to authenticate with mysecret secret
PAGE_SIZE The maximum number of resources returned in 1 response. 10 100
BASE_PATH The base path of all API endpoints /api/v2 /
DATA_PATH File system path name /mnt/scim /tmp
MONGO_DB Mongo connection string mongodb://user:password@mongo_host
DATABASE_URL SQL Database connection string postgresql://user:password@postrgres_host:5432/mydb
JUMPCLOUD_URL The API endpoint for JumpCloud
JUMPCLOUD_KEY The API Key for your JumpCloud tenant value of API key obtained from JumpCloud_

Mandatory when JUMPCLOUD_URL is set
FORWARD_SCIM_URL Forward SCIM request to upstream SCIM server
FORWARD_SCIM_KEY API KEY for FORWARD_SCIM_URL scim server. if not provided, API_KEY will be used my-secret-password
LDAP_HOSTNAME Hostname or IP address of LDAP host
LDAP_BASENAME Base name of tree in which the SCIM tree will be created dc=example,dc=org dc=example, + LDAP_BASENAME
LDAP_USERNAME bind user name cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org
LDAP_PASSWORD bind password
USER_MAPPING A JSON string that specify how attribute values should be mapped to different attributes '{"userName": "sram_user_extension.eduPersonUniqueId"}
GROUP_MAPPING A JSON string that specify how attribute values should be mapped to different attributes '{"id": "displanNameuser_extension.eduPersonUniqueId"}
USER_MODEL_NAME User model name myUsers Users
GROUP_MODEL_NAME Group model name myGroups Groups
AMQP (optional) the amqp address of the MQ Server to broadcast SCIM updates to 'amqp://localhost'
QUEUE (optional) the amqp queue name to broadcast SCIM updates to 'SCIM'

Handling data

The data that is received by this SCIM server can be handled in different ways. Below is an example on how to pick up specific attributes from the received data.

Example on MySQL

Suppose you have configured a MySQL database via the SQL Plugin configuration. Then your data will be persisted in 2 MySQL database tables Users and Groups. The structure of both tables are alike and have only 2 columnns

id details
unique uuid of this resource this is a JSON datatype holding the data attributes of this resource

For example after a provisiong the data for Users contains:

id details
613277a6-aa52-440e-b604-9bbd14343558 {"userName": "hkodden5", "active": true, "externalId": "[email protected]", "name": {"familyName": "Kodden", "givenName": "Harry"}, "displayName": "Harry Kodden", "emails": [{"primary": true, "value": "[email protected]"}] ...}

Then you would like to retrieve specific values out of the JSON data. For example, we want to lookup the userName.

select id, details->'$.userName' as userName from Users where id = '613277a6-aa52-440e-b604-9bbd14343558';

will result in:

id userName
613277a6-aa52-440e-b604-9bbd14343558 "hkodden5"


Optionally a AMQP endpoint can be configured to which incoming SCIM updates will be reported. The data to this notification mechanism consist of the following details:

  • operation (Create/Update/Delete)
  • resource (Either User or Group Resource)


  "operation": "Create",
  "resource": {
    "displayName": "service_group_mail_name",
    "externalId": "[email protected]",
    "members": [],
    "": {
      "description": "Provisioned by service Mail Services - Mail group",
      "urn": "uuc:ai_computing:mail-mail"
    "schemas": [
    "id": "e3e7f74e-fa90-46c9-995f-567494761128",
    "meta": {
      "created": "2024-09-11T09:33:36.571617",
      "lastModified": "2024-09-11T09:33:36.571831",
      "location": "/Groups/e3e7f74e-fa90-46c9-995f-567494761128",
      "resourceType": "Group"


Committing changes to this repository initiates the CI pipeline that will result in a docker image creation and uploading to dockerhub.

For CD the argo is supported to automatacally refresh the application in your kubernetes cluster. Assuming you have argo running in your cluster, just apply thius manifest:

kubectl apply -f argocd/application.yaml

Or without cloning this repository, you can even do: