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Da Vinci US Drug Formulary Reference Server

This project is a reference FHIR server for the Da Vinci US Drug Formulary Implementation Guide. It is based on the HAPI FHIR JPA Server.

This server supports both authenticated and unauthenticated access methods as described on the implementation guide.

The server is hosted at and it is read only.

Note: Switch to the formulary-write branch of this repo and follow the instructions on the Readme page to update the data loaded on the server.

Developer Documentation

Check out the wiki to get started and learn how to connect to this server.


A live demo is hosted by HL7 FHIR Foundry.

Installing and Running


You will need to have either Docker or the following pre-requisites installed:

  • Java JDK 17
  • Maven 3.8.3 +


Clone the project's repository then, cd into the project directory:

git clone [email protected]:HL7-DaVinci/drug-formulary-ri.git
cd drug-formulary-ri

Next, in src/main/resources/application.yaml, set server_address to http://localhost:8080/fhir/

Running Locally

  • With Docker

    The easiest way to run this server is to use docker. Ensure that Docker and Docker Compose are installed.

    Then, from the project root, run the following commands:

    docker compose up

    The server will build, with the test data pre-loaded. The FHIR endpoint will then be browsable at http://localhost:8080/fhir.

  • Running without Docker

    Alternatively, you can build, test, and start this server with maven:

    mvn spring-boot:run


   mvn -Pjetty spring-boot:run

The server will then be browsable at http://localhost:8080/, and the server's FHIR endpoint will be available at http://localhost:8080/fhir.


This app is automatically deployed to with any change to the master branch.


IG conformance test scripts are available on Touchstone. You will need to an account to execute the tests against the server.

Contact Touchstone at [email protected] for support.

Base URLs

Unauthenticated FHIR Services

The following endpoints are publicly available, so do not require authentication or authorization.

Service Methods Description
/metadata GET The FHIR capabilities interaction that returns a FHIR CapabilityStatement resource describing these services.
/InsurancePlan?type=| GET The FHIR InsurancePlan endpoint returns all the PayerInsurancePlans from the server.
/InsurancePlan?type=|DRUGPOL GET The FHIR InsurancePlan endpoint returns all the Formulary resource from the server.
/Basic?code=|formulary-item&formulary=InsurancePlan/FormularyD1002&_include=Basic:subject GET The FHIR Basic endpoint that returns all FormularyItems and FormularyDrugs in a Formulary.
/MedicationKnowledge GET The MedicationKnowledge resource provides the drug information which is part of a formulary.

Check more anticipated queries here.

Bulk Data Export

This server supports exporting Formularies data in bulk. Instead of making individual requests to gather data, the bulk data export supports exporting all available formularies data not related to a patient at once.

Service Method Description
/InsurancePlan/$export GET Request to export all InsurancePlan, Basic, MedicationKnowledge, and Location resource types containing formulary related data associated with all formulary related plans.
/InsurancePlan/[:id]/$export GET Resquest to export all InsurancePlan, Basic, MedicationKnowledge, and Location resource types containing formulary related data associated with the specific plan.


Check the wiki for detailed bulk data request flow.

Patient Access (Authenticated Access)

In compliance with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (“CMS”) Interoperability and Patient Access Final Rule (CMS-9115-F), this server allows users to access their formulary information using registered, third-party client applications.

The protected resources are Patient and Coverage.


To get access to the Patient Access service, you can register your client app at this endpoint: /oauth/register/client. Once you submit your client's redirect URI, the server will generate and assign a client id and secret to your app.

Note: the redirect URI must be unique. You will get an error if the given redirect URI already exists in the server (if the client is already registed). You can check the /debug/Clients endpoint to retrieve client's credentials if already registered.


This server requires getting an access token via the SMART's Standalone Launch Sequence before making requests to the protected resources. The authorization and token endpoints can be found at the Capability Statement endpoint /metadata or the Smart Configuration endpoint /.well-known/smart-configuration.

  1. Request Access:

    The authorization endpoint is /oauth/authorization and the required query parameters are:

    Parameter Value
    response_type code
    client_id The client id
    redirect_uri The URI to redirect to with the code
    scope The SMART on FHIR Access Scope
    state Unique ID generated by the client for this interaction
    aud The fhir base URL for this formulary server

    Request Example:

    GET {base url}/oauth/authorization?
    &redirect_uri={your client's redirect uri}
    &state={unique string}
    &aud={base url}

    Once you submit the GET request to the authorization endpoint, you will be prompted to login. The following is the test user credentials you can use for testing:

    username: PDexPatient
    password: password

    If the user's credentials and query params from the authorization request are validated, the server will redirect the browser back to client's redirect uri provided, with the authorization code and state query parameters.

    Example response

    {client's redirect uri}?

    The authorization code is a signed JWT token and is only valid for 2 minutes.

  2. Retrieve Access Token:

    The token endpoint is /oauth/token. The client must issue a POST request to the server following the authorization_code OAuth 2.0 grant flow process, and including a basic Authorization header with the value base64Encode(client_id:client_secret) and use Content-Type of application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

    POST HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Basic {base64 encoded token}
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    {base url}/oauth/token?grant_type=authorization_code
    &code={Authorization code retrieved in previous step }
    &redirect_uri={client's redirect uri}

    The successful response will be a JSON object containing the access_token, token_type, expires_in, patient, scope, and refresh_token.

        "access_token": "{signed JWT token}",
        "token_type": "Bearer",
        "expires_in": 3600,
        "patient": "{the user's patient id}",
        "scope": "{the server's supported scopes}",
        "refresh_token": "{signed JWT token}"

    The access token token will only be valid for an hour. In all requests to the server for patient access, the client app must add the Authorization: Bearer {access_token} header to the HTTP request.

    For testing purposes an admin token is available for clients that do not support this workflow yet. The admin token is


Querying User's Drug Coverage and Formulary

The user's drug coverage can be queried by calling the coverage endpoint /Coverage with the patient and coverage type parameters. Drug coverage can be searched for with a coverage.type of|DRUGPOL. The patient id provided in the request must match the logged in user's patient id.

Sample request:

  Authorization: Bearer {your access token}
  Content-Type: application/json
  {base url}/Coverage?
  patient={logged in user's patient id}

This will return a Bundle containing the user's drug coverage.

Once you retrieve the drug coverage resource, you can get the Formulary plan identifier from the corresponding Coverage.class.value.

Coverage Resource Snippet:

       "class": [
    "type": {
      "coding": [
          "system": "",
          "code": "plan"
    "value": "Formulary-10207VA0380001",
    "name": "BlueChoice HMO Silver $3,500"

With the Formulary identifier retrieved, the user's formulary can be queried as follow:

Note: access token is not required to query the /InsurancePlan endpoint.

 GET [base]/InsurancePlan?

You may also check this Postman Collection for patient access queries.


This project welcomes Pull Requests. Any questions or issues identified with the RI should be submitted via the GitHub issue tracker.


This reference implimentation has only been tested with java 8. A common error encountered when manually buiding this server locally with another java version is related to .m2/repositories/com/h2database. If you encounter this issue verify you are using Java 8, delete the h2database folder and run the server again.

Debug Options

There are a few debug endpoints to help with debugging issues related to authorization. They are helpful to retrieve your client's credentials, see a list of test users, or update your client's redirect URI.

Endpoint Description
/debug/Clients GET a list of registered clients
/debug/Users GET a list of available test users
/debug/UpdateClient?client_id={client_id} PUT request to update client
/Log GET the server log

Request body for updateClient request:

  "id": "{id}",
  "secret": "{secret}",
  "redirectUri": "{redirect uri}"

Questions and Contributions

Questions about the project can be asked in the Da Vinci Formulary stream on the FHIR Zulip Chat.

This project welcomes Pull Requests. Any issues identified with the RI should be submitted via the GitHub issue tracker.

As of October 1, 2022, The Lantana Consulting Group is responsible for the management and maintenance of this Reference Implementation. In addition to posting on FHIR Zulip Chat channel mentioned above you can contact Corey Spears for questions or requests.