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How To Play

August Miller edited this page Nov 6, 2021 · 15 revisions

Starting a Quest

When the dork master is added, they will immediately create the dork domain text channel. This is the only channel quests are allowed to be played in.

Joining/Leaving the Party

To start a quest, players must first join the quest party. This is done by typing join. You should see an output displaying the current players

If you would like to leave after joining a quest. Before the quest is started, you may type leave.

The Default Quest

Start Quest will start a default quest with the current party members.

Loading a Quest file

Start Quest with a .quest file attachment causes the dork master to compile the attached quest. If there are any errors in your quest code, the error will be displayed. If the code is written correctly, the quest will begin with the current party members.

More about .quest files in Writing Your Own Quests

A List of Gameplay commands

Once a quest has begun, the following commands are used to interact with the world:


Use: inspect, inspect <itemName>

Purpose: Display of a description of your surroundings, or a specific item in your inventory or the current room.

Example inspect, inspect sword

Alternatives: look, examine, study, peek

Ends Turn: No

Take Item

Use: take <itemName>

Purpose: Takes an item from the current room and places it in your inventory if possible.

Example: take sword

Alternatives: collect, store, steal, grab

Ends Turn: No

Drop Item

Use: drop <itemName>

Purpose: Takes an item from your inventory and places it in the current room.

Example: take sword

Alternatives: throw, remove, leave

Ends Turn: No


Use: go <direction>

Purpose: Moves you the desired direction (North, South, East, West, Up or Down) if the way is not blocked.

Example: go north, or go n

Alternatives: move, walk, run, travel

Ends Turn: Yes

End Turn

Use: end

Purpose: Ends your turn.

Example: end

Alternatives: done, next, finish, end my turn, end my move

Ends Turn: Yes

Use Item

Use: use <itemName>

Purpose: Uses an item currently in your inventory, if possible.

Example: use health potion

Alternatives: activate

Ends Turn: No

Check Inventory

Use: inventory

Purpose: Displays the status of your inventory.

Example: inventory

Alternatives: i

Ends Turn: No

Check Player Status

Use: status

Purpose: Displays the status of the player

Example: status

Alternatives: what is my status, what is my health, health

Ends Turn: No

Get Help Message

Use: help

Purpose: Displays a list of valid commands.

Example: help

Alternatives: I need help, I'm confused, commands, what are the commands

Ends Turn: No

Give Item

Use: give <itemName> to <playerName>

Purpose: Takes an item from your inventory and places it in the inventory of a player within the same room.

Example: give sword to John Doe

Alternatives: N/A

Ends Turn: No