Cross-platform lightweight video mapping software
Features :
- Spout / Syphon texture sharing (source / output)
- NDI texture sharing (source / output)
- 4-corner perspective warping + bezier warping
- Video playback of almost any format through VLC lib
- Live Shader Manipulation (GLSL / ShaderToy) as sources and effects
- Online Explorer (ShaderToy / ISF / Pexels Photo / Pexels Video) with drag'n'drop mechanism
- Node Engine
- Compositions : Manage multiple medias, compose, blend and transform
- OrganicUI framework : fully controllable from external software like Chataigne
- Timeline : Time based animations, blending, etc.
- Windows :
- MacOS Intel :
- MacOS Silicon :
- Linux x64 : Not ready yet (you can contribute by compiling and testing it yourself with the instructions below)
- Raspberry 32 bit : Not ready yet (you can contribute by compiling and testing it yourself)
- Raspberry 64 bit : Not ready yet (you can contribute by compiling and testing it yourself)
- You need to install the NDI SDK (you can use the
AUR package on Arch) libvlc
4.0.x (for 64bit x86 only) andServus
pre-built libraries are included but you might need to recompile them for your needs- After compiling, run MapGyver with :
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../../External/servus/lib/linux:../../External/vlc/lib/linux:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH build/MapGyver