Perform sample size determination (power analysis) through simulations for a probabilistic model using packages such as rstan, rstanarm, or brms.
To install the latest development version from GitHub:
# Assume we want to study the vocal activity of a bird species in two different environments:
# Urban parks (higher noise pollution)
# Forest areas (quieter, more natural habitat)
# We are counting the number of calls per minute from a fixed observation point.
# In forests, birds are more active, so the mean number of calls per minute is assumed to be 9.
# In urban parks, noise and disturbances reduce bird vocalizations, leading to a assumed mean of 7 calls per minute.
# Since bird calls occur as discrete events in a fixed time window, their distribution follows a Poisson process.
# Function that generates 'N' samples of two groups 'forest' and 'parks'
# Assumed effect (-sizes) have to be defined within this function
dataCreationFunction <- function(N){
group_effects <- c(
forest = 9, # Expected mean for bird calls in a wild forest
parks = 7 # Expected mean for bird calls in a park
environment <- rep(c("forest", "park"), length.out=N)
y <- rpois(N, group_effects)
data <- data.frame(
environment = environment,
y = y
# The probabilistic model that will be used for the future real data and used for simulation
model <- rstanarm::stan_glm("y~-1+environment", data=dataCreationFunction(20),
family=poisson(), prior = normal(2,3))
# We define a condition that must be met: the difference in expected values between the 'forest' and 'park' groups must be non-zero.
# To ensure this, we establish a Region of Practical Equivalence (ROPE) around zero, which must be excluded by the 95% credible interval of the effect (difference between the two groups).
# Multiple goals can be created and tested.
goal <- createGoal(parametersA="environmentforest", parametersB="environmentpark",
goalType="rope", ropeType="exclude", ropeLower=0, ropeUpper = 0,
ropeExclusive=T, ci=0.95)
# Visualize goal(s)
plotGoal(goal, dataCreationFunction, model, N=100)
# Checks whether everything is well-defined
checkSettings(model, dataCreationFunction, 2, goals=list(goal))
# Uses parallelization
# Runs the sample size determination / power analysis
# The minimum required sample size is 2 per group, with a maximum of 100 due to cost considerations.
# The factorN = 2 parameter ensures an equal number of samples for both groups.
ssd <- runSSD(
model = model,
dataCreationFunction = dataCreationFunction,
powerDesired = 0.8,
minN = 2,
maxN = 100,
factorN = 2,
goals = list(goal),
con = 200,
iParallel = 20)
# Plots the final simulation step
# Prints the estimated sample size required to achieve the desired power of 80% with the specified goal.