mpvpaper is a wallpaper program for wlroots based wayland compositors, such as sway. That allows you to play videos with mpv as your wallpaper.
- ninja
- meson
- libmpv
# Clone
git clone --single-branch
# Build
cd mpvpaper
meson setup build --prefix=/usr/local
ninja -C build
# Install
ninja -C build install
Simple example:
mpvpaper DP-2 /path/to/video
To play the same video on all outputs:
mpvpaper '*' /path/to/video
You can also forward mpv options by passing "--mpv-options" or "-o" like so:
mpvpaper -o "no-audio --loop-playlist shuffle" HDMI-A-1 www.url/to/playlist
You can also control mpvpaper just like mpv in the terminal with keyboard bindings.
But if you would like to control mpvpaper while it's forked, you could use a mpv input-ipc-server like this:
mpvpaper -o "input-ipc-server=/tmp/mpv-socket" DP-1 /path/to/video
Then input commands with socat. For example, toggle pause:
echo 'cycle pause' | socat - /tmp/mpv-socket
For more mpv commands read:
For more info on mpvpaper, please refer the the man page.
- glpaper and swaybg for the initial boilerplate code, check em out here:
This project is licensed under the GPLv3 License - see the LICENSE file for details