Docker images for creating Cesium Quantized mesh terrain tiles
Quantized mesh specs:
1] Maastricht - AHN4
2] Maastricht - AHN4 with contours
3] Corsica - DTM's from
Download AHN4 0.5m GeoTIFF of Maastricht and process to terrain tiles.
$ wget --no-check-certificate
Start processing input GeoTIFF's
$ docker run -it -v $(pwd):/data geodan/terrainwarp -m 1000
A subfolder 'tmp' will be created containing the processed GeoTIFF's
$ docker run -v $(pwd):/data geodan/terraintiler
A subfolder 'tiles' will be created containing file 'layer.json' and a set of .terrain tiles in a directory per level (0-15).
Terrain tiles can be used in CesiumJS as follows:
var terrainProvider = new Cesium.CesiumTerrainProvider({
url : './tiles'
viewer.scene.terrainProvider = terrainProvider;
Download sample client and start webserver:
$ wget
$ python -m http.server
Open browser on port 8000.
Live demo see
flowchart TD
subgraph Warp
A{Start} --> B{TIF's}
B --> C{TIFs remaining?}
C -->|No| D[Build VRT]
C -->|Yes| E[Select TIF]
E --> F[Run GDAL Fill NODATA]
F --> G[Run GDAL Warp to EPSG:4326+4979]
G --> C
subgraph Tiling
D --> H[Run CTB-TILE]
H --> I[Unzip terrain tiles]
I --> J[Terrain tiles ready - end]
By default the reference system of the first input image used. If it's a Duch projection (epsg:28992) the vertical is also specified (using epsg: 7415 - composite of EPSG:28992 and EPSG:5709). The used epsg code can be overwritten with the -c in geodan/terrainwarp command.
In the process the images are warped using gdalwarp to EPSG:4326+4979 (-t_srs) to be used in Cesium using the WGS84 ellipsoid model.
There are 2 Docker images:
1] Warp
The Warp Docker image contains a recent version of GDAL (3.7) and shell script for processing (gdal_fillnodata, gdalwarp, gdalbuildvrt).
2] Tiler
The Tiler Docker image contains:
ctb-tile (
Shell script for processing tifs to terrain tiles
1] Warp
Use a volume mount named 'data' in the docker image to process tif files on the host machine.
$ docker run -v $(pwd):/data -it geodan/terrainwarp
The script takes as input parameters:
Syntax: [-c|m|j|h]
c Source s_srs - default EPSG:7415
m fillnodata maxdistance (in pixels) - default 100
j number of parallel jobs - default 5
h Print this help
When option -c is not used, warp will check the EPSG code of the first GeoTIFF.
- If no EPSG code is detected or the EPSG code is 28992: the default s_srs is used (EPSG:7415). EPSG:7415 is a composite of EPSG:28992 (horizontal) and EPSG:5709 (vertical) used in the Netherlands. A the vertical EPSG code is optional but needed to transform from geoid to ellipsoid.
- In other cases: the detected EPSG code is used as s_srs
Sample output:
Terrain tiler 1.1 - Warp
Start: Tue Jul 25 12:52:27 UTC 2023
Temp directory: tmp
s_src input images:
Fillnodata maxdistance: 100
Jobs: 5
Delete tmp directory...
tmp directory created.
s_srs not set, trying to detect it from first GeoTIFF
EPSG of first tif: EPSG:28992
make s_srs epsg:7415 in case of epsg:28992
used s_srs: EPSG:7415
Start processing 1 GeoTIFFS...
100% 1:0=0s ./M5_32CN2.TIF
Building virtual raster tmp/ahn.vrt...
0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done.
VRT created: tmp/ahn.vrt
End: Tue Jul 25 12:52:28 UTC 2023
Elapsed time: 1 seconds.
End of processing
2] Tiler
$ docker run -v $(pwd):/data -it geodan/terraintiler
Syntax: [-s|b|e|o|h]
o Output directory - default tiles
b Break zoomlevel - default 9
s Start zoomlevel - default 15
e End zoomlevel - default 0
j number of parallel jobs - default 5
h Print this help
Sample running Docker image with parameters - generate tiles for level 10 - 0 using '-s 10':
$ docker run -v $(pwd):/data -it geodan/terraintiler -s 10
Sample output:
Terrain tiler 1.1
Start: Wed Jun 21 09:24:39 UTC 2023
Output directory: tiles
Tif extension: TIF
Start zoomlevel: 15
Break zoomlevel: 9
End zoomlevel: 0
Jobs: 5
Delete output directory...
Directory created: tiles
Running ctb-tile from 15 to level 9...
Creating layer.json file...
Creating GTiff tiles for level 9...
Create vrt for GTiff tiles on level 9...
Run ctb tile on level 8 to 0
Cleaning up...
Unzip terrain files...
End: Wed Jun 21 09:24:45 UTC 2023
Elapsed time: 6 seconds.
End of processing
In the tiling process, the following errors can occur:
ERROR 1: Integer overflow : nSrcXSize=97201, nSrcYSize=18001
ERROR 1: IReadBlock failed at X offset 0, Y offset 0
ERROR 1: GetBlockRef failed at X block offset 0, Y block offset 0 Error: Could not read heights from raster #74
See also geo-data/cesium-terrain-builder#37
Fix: Increase the -b option to a higher level
Warp Docker image:
$ docker build -t geodan/terrainwarp .
Tiler Docker image:
$ docker build -t geodan/terraintiler .
To build the images together use:
$ sh
2023-08-08: release 1.1:
add -j option for number of parallel jobs
removed parallel progress bar in tiler
2023-07-26: release 1.0:
performance improvement by using parallel processes;
improved folder tmp handling;
improved different epsg codes;
improved error handling.
2023-07-24: release 0.3.3: bug fix warp
2023-07-20: release 0.3.2: give more feedback on progress
2023-07-17: release 0.3.1 - add -m option in warp for gdal_fillnodata max_distance
2023-07-06: release 0.3 - split process in tiler and warp