Couple scripts I wrote to help quickly get some random data into a MySQL or PostgreSQL database. If you're looking for something similar for SQL Server, you can find a good one here:
It connects on by default (can be changed via env var or flag). I rely on running the Cloud SQL proxy at the same location as the script to make things consistent. If you're running a local database, of course it will also work fine on that db.
NOTE that by default this drops the tables before re-creating them. Don't run this against a database with existing data unless you're okay with said data going away.
Can run -h for full usage/options.
Dockerfile and deployment yaml files also handy to run this in a container if you want to scale it up with Kubernetes.
Blog posts breaking things down:
Containerization basics: (not quite live yet, soon)
Scaling app with Kubernetes and connecting to Cloud SQL using sidecar pattern: (also not quite live yet, soon)