Releases: FlagBrew/PKSM
PKSM 10.2.1
PKSM 10.2.0
What's new
- Improve startup times by 63%
- Start time went down from ~27s to ~11s on average
- This has been achieved by:
- removing spritesheet decompression calls at startup
- lazy loading system fonts at startup
- Make sure to notify the developers on Discord if you notice any visual artifact related to font rendering.
- Fix local gpss api url keyboard not allowing symbols
- All submodules and build dependancies updated to latest release
- Boot splash screen look has been slightly improved
- Fix and remove unused localization strings
- Removed mystery gifts update at boot time
- Removed deprecated alpha channel update feature
- Removed deprecated Patreon features code
- Removed leftover code from past functionalities that have been removed or replaced
- Removed unused configuration variables
- Removed FlagBrew Patreon's links from the project and wiki
- General system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience.
PKSM 10.1.3: Au Revoir (attempt 2)
Back in 2019, I (@FM1337) came up with an idea called GPSS, it was a way for users to be able to share Pokemon together with other people, kinda like the GTS, except you're not trading, you're sharing a copy. Later it also allowed me to introduce a often requested feature of auto legalization (with the help of @piepie62 of course).
Ran it for almost 6 years, but now it's time for me to move on, I'm handing control of FlagBrew back over to @BernardoGiordano and stepping away from the team.
It's been a fun journey, but alas everything comes to an end, and with that comes the discontinuation of GPSS and Auto Legality, at-least from me.
I'm not going to leave you all in the dark, before this release I wrote a little C# application that let's you run your own GPSS server, you can grab it at
With it, comes essentially all the cloud features (GPSS, Legality Status, Auto Legality), all hosted within your own network.
First time you run PKSM after this update, if you go to use one of the cloud features, you'll be prompted to go into settings and set your server's URL (it MUST end with a slash), once you do that, you should be good to go.
And with that, let's get down to the changes
- New settings page tab introduced
- Titled
, it allows you to enter the server URL of Local GPSS.
- Titled
- Updated GPSS to require setting the Local GPSS server URL before it can be accessed.
- Updated Legality Check & Auto Legality to require GPSS server URL to be set before it can be used.
- Added timeout value (10 seconds for legality check, 120 seconds for auto legalization) to ensure you don't lock your console up if you input a bad URL or forget to start the server
- Removed GPSS Mobile button
- French Ribbons Labels fixed (thank you @Zanguu)
- Removed Random GPSS Pokemon script from PKSM-Scripts
- Perhaps someone could open a PR and add the functionality into Local GPSS so that it could be added again?
- Disabled patreon builds.
- Build action on GitHub now publishes the builds
- Added curl timeouts to GPSS pages
Well this is the last build/release from me, I got a few other things to take care of, but I just wanted to say thank you everyone for using PKSM (No PKSM isn't going away, I'm sure there'll be plenty of updates for it in the future), thank you to @piepie62 @LiquidFenrir @BernardoGiordano @architdate @GriffinG1 @SpiredMoth @JourneyOver @Admiral-Fish for being awesome team members, and a sincere thank you to everyone who has helped out with PKSM over the years!
I'll have a final goodbye message on FlagBrew's Discord soon enough, but yeah, thank you and farewell 🫡
PKSM 10.1.2: Au Revoir
Back in 2019, I (@FM1337) came up with an idea called GPSS, it was a way for users to be able to share Pokemon together with other people, kinda like the GTS, except you're not trading, you're sharing a copy. Later it also allowed me to introduce a often requested feature of auto legalization (with the help of @piepie62 of course).
Ran it for almost 6 years, but now it's time for me to move on, I'm handing control of FlagBrew back over to @BernardoGiordano and stepping away from the team.
It's been a fun journey, but alas everything comes to an end, and with that comes the discontinuation of GPSS and Auto Legality, at-least from me.
I'm not going to leave you all in the dark, before this release I wrote a little C# application that let's you run your own GPSS server, you can grab it at
With it, comes essentially all the cloud features (GPSS, Legality Status, Auto Legality), all hosted within your own network.
First time you run PKSM after this update, if you go to use one of the cloud features, you'll be prompted to go into settings and set your server's URL (it MUST end with a slash), once you do that, you should be good to go.
And with that, let's get down to the changes
- New settings page tab introduced
- Titled
, it allows you to enter the server URL of Local GPSS.
- Titled
- Updated GPSS to require setting the Local GPSS server URL before it can be accessed.
- Updated Legality Check & Auto Legality to require GPSS server URL to be set before it can be used.
- Added timeout value (10 seconds for legality check, 120 seconds for auto legalization) to ensure you don't lock your console up if you input a bad URL or forget to start the server
- Removed GPSS Mobile button
- French Ribbons Labels fixed (thank you @Zanguu)
- Removed Random GPSS Pokemon script from PKSM-Scripts
- Perhaps someone could open a PR and add the functionality into Local GPSS so that it could be added again?
- Disabled patreon builds.
- Build action on GitHub now publishes the builds
Well this is the last build/release from me, I got a few other things to take care of, but I just wanted to say thank you everyone for using PKSM (No PKSM isn't going away, I'm sure there'll be plenty of updates for it in the future), thank you to @piepie62 @LiquidFenrir @BernardoGiordano @architdate @GriffinG1 @SpiredMoth @JourneyOver @Admiral-Fish for being awesome team members, and a sincere thank you to everyone who has helped out with PKSM over the years!
I'll have a final goodbye message on FlagBrew's Discord soon enough, but yeah, thank you and farewell 🫡
QR Code
PKSM 10.1.1: Bug Fixed The Bug Fix Release
PKSM 10.1.0: Bug Fix Release
PKSM 10.1.0
Hey everyone, long time no speak again huh?
This isn't a major release or anything, just bringing some existing bug fixes into release so address some issues.
I (@FM1337) have started looking into Switch development for PKSM, it is gonna take some time so don't expect anything any time soon.
Additionally, it is all but confirmed that our main developer is no longer available for continuing development for PKSM, as such I will take over and do what I can, but I'm not a C++ developer, so outside help through pull requests is much appreciated (and will likely be needed).
That being said, the bug fixes that our main developer had finished will be listed below in the form of referencing the GitHub issue number.
- Fixed #1372
- Fixed #1373
- Fixed #1374
- Fixed #1381
- Fixed #1384
- Fixed #1391
- Fixed #1392
- Fixed #1394
- Fixed GPSS download codes not working.
From the entire FlagBrew team, we'd like to thank our Patreon supporters, and we would also like to thank everyone for their patience and understanding during the long intervals in between updates.
Note: the ELF file here is for ease of finding it for future debugging. It is unlikely anyone downloading PKSM will need it.
PKSM 10.0.0: Double digits!
PKSM 10.0.0
Hey everyone, it's been a bit since our last release, but we're back and bringing you a big update!
We've finally hit PKSM 10.0.0, double digits, with this it brings one of the most requested features: Generation 1 and 2 support! Additionally bug fixes and some enhancements.
This is the final major release for the 3DS. We are shifting our focus to porting PKSM to the Switch, this means that any future releases of PKSM for the 3DS will only contain bug fixes or minor changes.
- Gen 1 & 2 support!
- Huge thank you to @SNBeast for his work on this!
- GPSS Upgrades
- GPSS now works with the current version of the FlagBrew website upgrades
- Language updates
- The way we structured our language files has changed to hopefully make translators' lives easier
- Storage
- Adds dumping selected groups from within the bank storage screen
- View of Pokémon will color stats according to nature increase/decrease
- Hyper Trained stats and hidden abilities will also be colored
- Add many G8 sprites; now they won't all be eggs
- Adds a "save and launch" button to allow immediately launching games with changes
- G3 bag item counts now don't go insane on every change
- Cloning now works properly in blue-cursor mode
- Many miscellaneous bug fixes
Note: the ELF file here is for ease of finding it for future debugging. It is unlikely anyone downloading PKSM will need it.
PKSM 9.2.0
What's New
- The Generation 3 and 8 hex editors are now filled in.
- The QR scanner framerate is now much higher and supports Generation 3 QRs
- This should not affect scanning time
Fixes and behind-the-scenes changes
- Fix a few Pokémon form names
- Add valid size for SWSH v1.0->1.2, not just 1.1->1.2
- Fix Platinum (and possibly HGSS) unsaved box data
- Actually create defaults folder if it's not already
- Fix Archive::init failure with error 0xC92044E6
- Note: this fixes the underlying issue. People that currently have this issue should seek help in our Discord server if they care about the Pokémon in their PKSM bank.
- Fixed defaults not saving changes between application restarts
- Fix an issue with the Ranger Manaphy Wonder Card
- Fix G3 nickname case when generating
Other notices
- As PKSM does have an auto-updater, you likely will not have to update manually
If you appreciate our work, please support us on Patreon :)
PKSM 9.1.0
What's New
- SWSH v1.2 support: The Sword and Shield DLC, Isle of Armor, is now supported. Note that saves that are not updated to version 1.2 are not supported due to technical reasons.
- Generation 3 scripting that changes raw data is now possible.
- When injecting into Generation 4 games, the mystery gift main menu option is now activated.
Fixes and behind-the-scenes changes
- Fixed Generation 4 text being written unpredictably
- Fixed QR scanner crashing
- Fixed Spanish Generation 3 item text encoding
- Fixed Generation 3 and 4 nature setting
- Fixed some Pokémon editor submenus crashing when used without a save loaded
- Fixed SWSH pouches having strange items available
- Re-add strcasecmp and strncasecmp for scripts
- Add sav_get_bit and sav_set_bit for scripts
- Fix problems with the network bridge functionality
- Fix problems with SWSH cryptography
- General system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience.
Other notices
- As PKSM does have an auto-updater, you likely will not have to update manually
If you appreciate our work, please support us on Patreon :)
9.0.1: Fixing the Stupid
This is a recovery release. It fixes several crash-inducing bugs, along with a Gen 3 party display/editing issue.
If you appreciate our work, please support us on Patreon :)