1231 commits
to staging
since this release
What's Changed
- Fix - iOS Reports - Selection mode persists in Reports after entering selection mode in Categories by @FitseTLT in #57636
- Fix can't mark one-expense report as unread by @bernhardoj in #56893
- fix: System message when changing submission frequency to monthly, not translated to Spanish by @truph01 in #57200
- fix - Held expense - Back button closes RHP when accessing Hold reason page from report details RHP by @FitseTLT in #57565
- When disabling workflows, set autoreporting back to "immediately" by @davidgelhar in #57147
- Fix closing modal on PDF attachment load error by @mjasikowski in #57664
- fix: Rename search page is reopened after saving by @nkdengineer in #57449
- fix:blank page appears in validate code form page by @jacobkim9881 in #55588
- Fix logo doesn't change color in dark mode on safari by @bernhardoj in #57268
- [No QA] Update Managing-Workspace-Members.md by @RachCHopkins in #56794
- [No QA][HybridApp] Fix
script by @mateuuszzzzz in #57484 - play success sound on report approval by @allgandalf in #56455
- fix hover lost when the element is blurred by @bernhardoj in #57451
- Fix - Rules - Members can change report name after Preventing members from changing report by @FitseTLT in #57392
- Fix - Company cards - QBO: user stays on Export tab when click back arrow by @FitseTLT in #57394
- fix: Missing bookmark icon for saved by @nkdengineer in #57368
- [No QA] build hybrid apps from
Build and deploy apps for testing
workflows by @jnowakow in #56769 - fix: incorrect navigate when dismissing tax picker by @daledah in #57555
- Workspace - Background changes when reloading in Downgrade or Upgrade workspace page by @thelullabyy in #57540
- [FIX] Android - Workspace -"You appear to be offline" displayed behind keyboard on currency change by @ishpaul777 in #57339
- fix: remove flashing effect when opening a report by @daledah in #56523
- fix: Workspace - The new WS names appear in English when Spanish is set up. by @Krishna2323 in #55850
- Fix: Android - Tax - After entering zero dot cursor thickness is changed by @wildan-m in #57444
- Don't render expand icon when not needed by @bernhardoj in #57538
- [No QA] Implement report primary action getter by @jnowakow in #57475
- fix: incorrect invite message is shown in lhn by @truph01 in #57659
- fix: Duplicate paid adoption events are logged by @nkdengineer in #57227
- Shows cancel payment instead of unapprove when the expense is paid but waiting for bank account by @bernhardoj in #57524
- Fix PDF files shadow by @rezkiy37 in #57185
- fix: search page cannot be dismissed by swiping to the right by @nkdengineer in #57516
- Clickable emoji for expense task by @Amoralchik in #56602
- Fix: The Next button moves up when user goes offline by @allgandalf in #57534
- fix: Group chat - App crashes when creating group chat offline and reconnect network on details page. by @Krishna2323 in #57770
- Initial implementation of the Side Pane by @blazejkustra in #56490
- [No QA] Remove Spotnana's scheduled maintenance modal by @cristipaval in #57779
- fix: navigate back to thread after clicking on header by @daledah in #57188
- Create configure-per-diem by @bfitzexpensify in #56776
- remove auto-pinning of chats in optimistic data by @Shahidullah-Muffakir in #57638
- 🍒 Cherry pick PR #57896 to staging 🍒 by @os-botify in #57898
- 🍒 Cherry pick PR #56698 to staging 🍒 by @os-botify in #57934
Full Changelog: 9.1.8-1...9.1.9-8