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LandPage created with react and typescript inspired by the landpage of Inbound Emotion
Clone the repo:
git clone && cd landpage-react
Install the dependencies using Yarn:
yarn install // or -> npm install
create an .env
file like the .env.example
and fill in your github credentials
Start a react server:
yarn dev // or -> npm run dev
Develop a functional landpage and integrate theory and practice of acquired knowledge to reality.
- [FR001] - The system must have a form that receives the following fields: Name, Email, Company and Website.
- [FR002] - The system should show a message after submitting the form.
- [FR003] - The system should send an email for notification about the expected content.
- [FR004] - The system must count the number of people who filled out the form.
- [FR005] - The system should show (somewhere on the landpage) comments on related content.
- [NFR001] - The System must be responsive (adaptable for desktop, tablets and mobile phones).
- [NFR002] - The system should be developed using React and TypeScript.
- [NFR003] - The system must be connected to a message sending API (created by me).
- [NFR004] - The system should have a good interface for man and machine interaction.
- [NFR005] - The system should receive variables from environments.
The project is a landpage where a text (in Portuguese) with general information about the e-book is presented, with a form on the right side of the screen. On the website screen, comments from people who received your e-book by e-mail are also shown and report on the experience. At the bottom of the page there are buttons to access Github, LinkedIn, Dribbble, Instagram and the personal website of the landpage author.
βββ src
β βββ components
β β βββ LandingForm
β β β βββ index.tsx
β β β βββ styles.module.sass
β β βββ MessageList
β β β βββ index.tsx
β β β βββ styles.module.sass
β β βββ Menu
β β βββ index.tsx
β β βββ styles.module.sass
β βββ images
β β βββ image.svg
β β βββ logo.svg
β βββ database
β β βββ messageList.example.json
β βββ pages
β β βββ Home
β β βββ index.tsx
β β βββ styles.module.sass
β βββ services
β β βββ api.ts
β βββ App.tsx
β βββ main.tsx
β βββ styles.module.sass
β βββ vite-env.d.ts
βββ .gitignore
βββ index.html
βββ package.json
βββ tsconfig.json
βββ vite.config.ts
βββ yarn.lock
Created with heart π by Carlos Alves