A simple Rust application for displaying information and setting RGB colors for the Corsair H115i RGB PRO XT AIO.
cargo install liquidrust
liquidrust --info # display information about the device, also default output
liquidrust --json # display information about the device in json format
liquidrust --json | jq -r '"\(.liquid_temperature.value)\(.liquid_temperature.units)"' # display liquid temperature
liquidrust --color 00FF00 # set green color for all leds
liquidrust -a FF0000 -b 00FF00 # gradient from red to green
liquidrust --rainbow # rainbow effect
liquidrust --pump balanced # set pump mode (possible modes: quiet, balanced, extreme)
liquidrust --fan 25 # set fan speed to 25% (20-100%)
Report them here: https://github.com/EriksRemess/liquidrust/issues
How leds are mapped on the device:
{ NA, 11, 12, 13, NA },
{ 10, NA, 1, NA, 14 },
{ 9, 0, NA, 2, 15 },
{ 8, NA, 3, NA, 4 },
{ NA, 7, 6, 5, NA }