NOTE: my config has been rewritten. for the old version go to: Old branch
My personal neovim config with all my plugins and shortcuts
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Everyone needs their own setup or tweak to the software they use everyday, to guarantee productivity and most importantly fun while working/coding.
This is just my config with these features
- Language servers (LSP)'s
- Custom transparency keybinds, for tiling wm users.
to toggle transparency - Custom terminal shortcuts to open terminals inside the editor in 3 possible places.
<Alt>+1 or <Alt>+2 or <Alt>+3
- Telescope as a fuzzyfinder to quickly navigate through your codebase.
to see all available shortcuts - Bufferlines and Bufferwindows for better awareness while coding.
- Nvimtree as the file "tree" for devs that are used to that.
to toggle it - Different colorschemes with a shortcut to switch between them.
The Leader key is set to space
And alot more features that help you improve your productivity. I'm not suggesting you to use my config!
I'm suggesting you make your own, If you don't know how to get started check out: Kickstarter.nvim. It's how I started this config too as you can see in the commit history.
Although I recommend you to make your own config, Here are a couple of steps you can follow to get started with using nvim
Make sure you have neovim installed: Read more about it here
Clone my config
git clone
Make sure you have the necessary tools/languages installed for the LSP's here is the command for arch-based distros:
sudo pacman -S nodejs clang python3 dotnet-sdk lua
Run neovim and let lazy install the plugins
If your're not familiar with vim/neovim and you want to get started open up neovim nvim
and run :Tutor
This will open up a window that will guide you through vim bindings:
If you want more info on the keybinds you can press SPACE as it's set as the main key. And a plugin called which key will guide you through the shortcuts: