XSLT for transformation of EpiDoc XML files into HTML or text versions in Leiden. Includes various XML files containing parameters and other options.
To cite these stylesheets in a conventional bibliography, please include the following information:
Tom Elliott, Zaneta Au, Gabriel Bodard, Hugh Cayless, Carmen Lanz, Faith Lawrence, Scott Vandebilt, Raffaele Viglianti, et al. (2008-2021), EpiDoc Example Stylesheets (version 9). Available: https://github.com/EpiDoc/Stylesheets
Please use the unified EpiDoc bug tracker and EpiDoc feature request tracker at SourceForge.
These scripts are copyright Zaneta Au, Gabriel Bodard and all other contributors. See LICENSE.txt for license details.
These scripts are written in XSLT 2.0 and may be transformed using any conformant XSLT processor. (Tested with Saxon-HE
Three methods:
- check out from the EpiDoc Git repository. On a Mac or Linux machine with Git installed, simply create a directory into which you want to check out the xslt, and then on the terminal/command-line enter:
git clone https://github.com/EpiDoc/Stylesheets.git your_directory
Download the latest development version directly from: https://github.com/EpiDoc/Stylesheets/archive/master.zip
download the latest packaged, stable release from the Sourceforge repository at https://sourceforge.net/projects/epidoc/files/epidoc-xsl/
XSLT may be run on an individual EpiDoc XML file, creating a single file output (e.g. via a command-line Saxon call or an Oxygen transformation scenario) or batch-run upon a large collection of files via some other process (e.g. an Oxygen project, set of batch files, etc.). Call the start-edition.xsl stylesheet to create a HTML version of the output (this XSL calls both generic and specialized files needed), or start-txt.xsl to create a text-only version of the text output, or start-fo.xsl to create a XSL-FO block for use in a XSL-FO based PDF production workflow.
Transformations are parameterised so that they may be used by different projects with only a change in local parameters, the scripts themselves being identical for all users. Change the parameters either by (a) changing the global-parameters.xml in your local copy (please do not commit these changes to SVN), or (b) setting local variables in your Saxon command-line, Oxygen scenario, etc.
The parameters currently defined include:
Generate a paragraph of apparatus immediately below
the text unless value is "none" (default); via equivalent of
TEI "Parallel Segmentation" apparatus encoding.
Supported values include: 'ddbdp' (generate very rich
apparatus from tei:app, tei:subst, tei:choice, tei:hi etc.
elements in the text); 'iospe' (generate simple apparatus
from tei:choice and children in text only).
Variant ways to interpret the markup in `div[@type='apparatus']`,
assumed to follow equivalent of TEI "Location-Referenced"
apparatus encoding. The only value supported is 'iospe',
which processes bibliography richly.
Path of CSS file referenced in the resulting HTML file.
Default value is '../xsl/global.css'.
Default value is '../output/data'
Values supported are 'interpretive' (default; i.e. editorial) and 'diplomatic' (prints
edition in uppercase, no restored, corrected, expanded characters, etc.)
Selects a template for the whole epigraphic edition, based on the templates provided.
Values supported are 'sample' (full page showing most common features), 'inslib', 'iospe', 'sigidoc'.
Also available: 'default' (only prints epigraphic text)
Used by Papyrological Navigator only.
Value is '../../../xml/idp.data/trunk/HGV_trans_EpiDoc/glossary.xml'.
Location of HGV glossary file relative to the current file.
Selects variations in local Leiden usage; brackets for corrected text,
display of previously read text, illegible characters, etc.
Values supported include 'panciera' (default), 'ddbdp', 'dohnicht',
'edh-web' (and 'edh-itx', 'edh-names'), 'ila', 'london',
'petrae', 'rib', 'seg', and 'sammelbuch'.
Defines the intervals at which lines are numbered (usually every 5).
Default value = 5, may be locally defined to any integer value
Used by Papyrological Navigator only.
values are 'default' and 'ddbdp'
values are 'off' (default), and 'on' (when a text of section of
text is tagged using <lg> and <l> elements [instead of <ab>] then
edition is formatted and numbered in verse lines rather than
epigraphic lines)
the default value is 'none', but in this parameter you can set the Stylesheets
to look either at a local TEI encoded bibliography file with the
value 'localTEI' (the path to which should be defined in $localbibl) or
look at a Zotero Library openly accessible online, setting the
parameter to 'zotero' and taking care to set also the other
parameters starting with $Zotero
if you selected 'localTEI' as a value for $bibliography, than in this paramter
you can set the relative path to this file. As an example it assumes that this will be
in ../BIBLIOGRAPHY.xml, but it needs not to be there, simply set it to the correct relative path.
values are 'groups' (default) or 'users'. If the
Zotero bibliography is used, select whether it is a group library or a user's library
value is free for you to set based on the key identifying your library in Zotero,
there is a default on 247748, which is the EAGLE group bibliography
default value is no namespace, although the htm-teibibl.xsl using this parameter takes this value only if selected. You can set it to any prefix you are using in your Zotero library.
value is the name of the desired CSL registered style in the
Citation Styles Repository, e.g. chicago-author-date, which is the default Zotero will use if you do not specify this parameter