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GEC Coders Club Website

Welcome to the GEC Coders Club website project! This website serves as the online platform for our coding community, providing information about our events, resources, and opportunities for aspiring developers and coding enthusiasts.

Table of Contents


This project is build using basic Next.js with TypeScript architecture. The plan and prototype for the project is described on the excalidraw Live collaboration Sketch. Feel free to give you suggestion in the excalidraw plan.


We have moved the next-ts branch into the main. So the current project is using Next.js with TypeScript.

Wireframe and Design

Our project's blueprint and structural planning are currently in progress through live collaboration on Excalidraw. Excalidraw provides a dynamic environment for team members to collectively sketch out the website's layout, sections, and content flow.

✏ Wireframe and planning : Excalidraw wireframe

🖌️ Design Link: Figma

Any suggestions on the UI/UX for the website will be highly appreciated.


Setting Up

Make sure you have node js and npm installed

You can use bun (only for Linux and MacOS users) too. We've set the environment up for it too

  1. Install typescript

Cloning and installing this repo should install typescript locally but if you wish to install it globally run:

npm install -g typescript    
  1. Clone this repo

    git clone
  2. Once switched, install the necessary packages by using this command

    npm install


    npm i
  3. Then run the development server

    npm run dev
    # or
    yarn dev
    # or
    pnpm dev

    Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

You can start editing the page by modifying app/page.tsx. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.

This project uses next/font to automatically optimize and load Inter, a custom Google Font.

To convert tsx to jsx use:

npm run transpile


Feel free to give suggestions on any thing you like, you feel should be changed. Even with HTML and CSS knowledge you can start contributing in this project.

How to Contribute

  1. Fork this repository and git clone it to your local machine.

  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix:

git checkout -b my-feature
  1. Checkout out Setting Up to see understand installation of project dependencies.

  2. Commit your changes:

git commit -m 'Add new feature'
  1. Push to the branch:
git push origin my-feature
  1. Submit a Pull Request.

Development Team


We understand that collaboration and design are iterative processes. As we progress, we'll continuously seek your feedback and input to refine the blueprint, structure, and UI design. Our goal is to create a website that aligns with your vision and effectively communicates your message to your audience.


The official codebase for GEC Coders Club Website



Code of conduct





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