A compact redis browser for powershell powered by https://github.com/StackExchange/StackExchange.Redis and https://github.com/migueldeicaza/gui.cs
It allows you to:
- Look for Redis Keys via Scan/Keys (depending on Redis version)
- View the type and contents of specified key
- Filter keys without requerying them from Redis
- Filter results to look for useful information
- Execute custom commands
- Select DB index
Copy and Paste is allowed:
- Windows: Ctrl+C | Ctrl+V
- Linux: Ctrl+Y | Ctrl+V
- Keys and Results list views support copying by right-clicking on them
- In case when OS clipboard (clip/xclip) is not available, pasting from internal mini-clipboard is available with Ctrl+B combination
Query, command and filter execution require "Enter" key press.
Also, keys and commands support history mode using CursorUp and CursorDown keys.
Powershell module exports "Get-RedisViewer" command:
- [0, Mandatory] ConnectionString
- [Optional] User
- [Optional] Password
Install-Module -Name PoshRedisViewerModule
Import-Module -Name PoshRedisViewerModule
Get-RedisViewer "localhost:6379"
Get-RedisViewer "localhost:6379" -User me -Password myPassword
- Install power shell
- Clone the GitHub repository
The easiest way to test the module is to run the PoshRedisViewerHost project
cd .\PoshRedisViewer\PoshRedisViewerHost\
dotnet run
To test running as a powershell module
- Build the repository (if building on linux use
-r linux-x64
cd PoshRedisViewer
dotnet publish -o .artifacts -r win-x64
- Copy the psd1 file into the build directory
cp .\PoshRedisViewerModule\PoshRedisViewerModule.psd1 .\.artifacts\
- Start a new powershell instance (prevents stale modules sitting around etc)
pwsh –noprofile
- Import the module
Import-Module -Name ".\.artifacts\PoshRedisViewerModule.psd1"
- Start a new Redis via docker:
docker run -d --name redis-stack-server -p 6379:6379 redis/redis-stack-server:latest
- Connect using PoshRedisViewer
Get-RedisViewer "localhost:6379"
- Create a Redis key entry by clicking in the 'Command' window and enter
set fish haddock
- Query the Redis to see the key by clicking in 'KeyQuery' and pressing enter
- Tabs/add to favorites
- Results filter history
- Quick commands to change/set values