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Node Flow

Another Flow-based Node graph Library.

Check it out here.

promotional image


Node Flow is a javascript library that enables developers to build node based tools similar to Unreal Blueprints or Blender Nodes.


  • Nodes
  • Markdown Notes
  • More Nodes


Download the latest build here.


Graph API


The only requirement for creating a graph is providing it an instance of a canvas.

// Create a canvas to render our graph to
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");

// Create our Node Flow Graph
var graph = new NodeFlowGraph(canvas)

There are a bunch of optional parameters you can provide the graph:

var graph = new NodeFlowGraph(canvas, {
    // Background color of the graph.
    backgroundColor: "#FF5500",

    // You can add extra items to the context
    // menu that pops up when you right click.
    contextMenu: {
        subMenus: [
                // Text that shows up in the context
                // menu 
                name: "Example Context Menu Item",
                // This is recursive. We can nest as 
                // many submenus within eachother as
                // we want. This field is optional.
                subMenus: [],

                items: [
                        name: "Sub menu Item!!!"

        // Items that show up at the base of the 
        // context menu
        items: [
                // Text that shows up in the context
                // menu 
                name: "Example Context Menu Item",
                // Function that get's executed when
                // Item is clicked.
                callback: () => {
                    alert("Example Context Menu Item");

    // Notes we want rendered on the graph.
    board: {
        notes: [
                // Where to render the note
                position: { x: 20, y: 20 },

                // Whether or not the note can be 
                // interacted with on the graph
                locked: true,

                // Markdown enabled text
                text: `
                # My First note!!!

                Not sure what to write here

Node API


// All nodes require a title. That's about it.
var node = new FlowNode({ 
    title: "My First Node!",

// Be sure to add it to the graph so it can be rendered.

Inputs and Outputs

Create a Add node that takes two numbers and outputs a single number

var node = new FlowNode({ 
    title: "Add",
    inputs: [
        { name: "a", type: "float32" },
        { name: "b", type: "float32" }
     outputs: [
        { name: "sum", type: "float32" }

You can also add additional inputs and outputs to the node after it's been created

node.addInput({ name: "c", type: "float32" })
node.addOutput({ name: "sum", type: "float32" })

Library Development

Just run

npm run watch-dev