A drop-in solution for accepting lightning payments, built on top of c-lightning.
Simple HTTP REST API, optimized for developer friendliness and ease of integration. Near-zero configuration.
Supports invoice metadata, fiat currency conversion, long polling, web hooks, websockets and server-sent-events.
Built-in checkout page, can be iframed or redirected to.
⚡ radically low fees ⚡ nano payments ⚡ instant confirmations ⚡
Setup c-lightning and nodejs (v7.6 or newer), then:
$ npm install -g lightning-charge
$ charged --api-token mySecretToken # defaults: --ln-path ~/.lightning/testnet --db-path ./charge.db --port 9112
Note: if you're running into permission issues, try following these instructions.
That's it! The Lightning Charge REST API is now running and ready to process payments.
You can access it at http://localhost:9112
using the API access token configured with --api-token
Configuration options may alternatively be provided using environment variables:
$ LN_PATH=~/.lightning/testnet DB_PATH=charge.db API_TOKEN=mySecretToken PORT=9112 charged
Listens for connections on
by default. Set -i
to bind on all available interfaces.
Note that Charge does not have TLS encryption and should not normally be exposed directly to the public
internet. For remote access, you should setup an SSH tunnel or a TLS-enabled reverse proxy like nginx.
See $ charged --help
for the full list of available options.
To deploy Lightning Charge with Docker, run these commands:
$ mkdir data # make sure to create the folder _before_ running docker
$ docker run -it -u `id -u` -v `pwd`/data:/data -p 9735:9735 -p 9112:9112 \
shesek/lightning-charge --api-token mySecretToken
This will start bitcoind
, lightningd
and charged
and hook them up together.
You will then be able to access the REST API at http://localhost:9112
using mySecretToken
Runs in testnet
mode by default, set NETWORK
to override.
If you want to experiment in regtest
mode and don't care about persisting data, this should do:
$ docker run -it -e NETWORK=regtest -p 9112:9112 shesek/lightning-charge --api-token mySecretToken
To connect to an existing lightningd
instance running on the same machine,
mount the lightning data directory to /etc/lightning
(e.g. -v $HOME/.lightning:/etc/lightning
Connecting to remote lightningd instances is currently not supported.
To connect to an existing bitcoind
instance running on the same machine,
mount the bitcoin data directory to /etc/bitcoin
(e.g. -v $HOME/.bitcoin:/etc/bitcoin
To connect to a remote bitcoind instance, set BITCOIND_URI=http://[user]:[pass]@[host]:[port]
(or use __cookie__:...
as the login for cookie-based authentication).
One-click deployment on Azure (by @NicolasDorier).
An instructional video is available here.
Clients libraries are available for JavaScript and PHP. For other languages, you can use the REST API directly using a standard HTTP library.
Below are example LApps built on top of Lightning Charge:
FileBazaar: an ecommerce tool for content creators that produce digital files like photos, videos, or music.
Lightning Publisher: accept bitcoin payments for content on WordPress blogs.
nanotip: a simple web server for accepting lightning donations (a lightning tip jar).
paypercall: easily charge for HTTP APIs on a pay-per-call basis.
nanopos: a simple point-of-sale system for physical stores.
ifpaytt: trigger IFTTT actions with lightning payments.
WooCommerce Lightning: a lightning gateway for the WooCommerce e-commerce software.
Lightning Jukebox: a lightning powered jukebox. Pay with Bitcoin to choose your music.
Third party Lapps:
Satoshi's Place: a collaborative art board, pay with lightning to draw on a pixel grid. (live on satoshis.place)
Pollo feed: a lightning powered chicken feeder. (live on pollofeed.com)
lightning-captive-portal: Wi-Fi access through a nodogsplash captive portal with Lightning payments.
All endpoints accept and return data in JSON format.
Authentication is done using HTTP basic authentication headers, with api-token
as the username and
the api token (configured with --api-token
or using the API_TOKEN
environment variable) as the password.
Invoices have the following properties: id
, msatoshi
, msatoshi_received
, quoted_currency
, quoted_amount
, rhash
, payreq
, description
, created_at
, expires_at
, paid_at
, metadata
and status
(one of unpaid|paid|expired
The code samples below assume you've set CHARGE=http://api-token:mySecretToken@localhost:9112
Get information about the c-lightning node.
$ curl $CHARGE/info
Create a new invoice.
Body parameters: msatoshi
, currency
, amount
, description
, expiry
, metadata
and webhook
You can specify the amount as msatoshi
(1 satoshi = 1000 msatoshis),
or provide a currency
and amount
to be converted according to the current exchange rates (via bitcoinaverage).
If a currency and amount were provided, they'll be available under quoted_{currency|amount}
sets the invoice expiry time in seconds (defaults to one hour).
may contain arbitrary invoice-related meta-data.
is embedded in the payment request and presented by the user's wallet (keep it short).
may contain a URL to be registered as a webhook
(see POST /invoice/:id/webhook
Returns 201 Created
and the invoice on success.
$ curl -X POST $CHARGE/invoice -d msatoshi=10000
# with fiat-denominated amounts
$ curl -X POST $CHARGE/invoice -d currency=EUR -d amount=0.5
# without amount (accept all payments)
$ curl -X POST $CHARGE/invoice
# with metadata as application/json
$ curl -X POST $CHARGE/invoice -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"msatoshi":7000,"metadata":{"customer_id":9817,"products":[593,182]}}'
# with metadata as application/x-www-form-urlencoded
$ curl -X POST $CHARGE/invoice -d msatoshi=5000 -d metadata[customer_id]=9817 -d metadata[product_id]=7189
List all invoices.
$ curl $CHARGE/invoices
Get the specified invoice.
$ curl $CHARGE/invoice/OYwwaOQAPMFvg039gj_Rb
Delete the specified invoice.
Body parameters: status
The current status of the invoice needs to be specified in the request body.
$ curl -X DELETE $CHARGE/invoice/OYwwaOQAPMFvg039gj_Rb -d status=unpaid
204 No Content
Long-polling invoice payment notification.
Waits for the invoice to be paid, then returns 200 OK
and the updated invoice.
If timeout
(defaults to 30s) is reached before the invoice is paid, returns 402 Payment Required
If the invoice is expired and can no longer be paid, returns 410 Gone
$ curl $CHARGE/invoice/OYwwaOQAPMFvg039gj_Rb/wait?timeout=60
# zZZZzzZ
Register a URL as a web hook to be notified once the invoice is paid.
Body parameters: url
Returns 201 Created
on success. Once the payment is made, a POST request with the updated invoice will be made to the provided URL.
If the invoice is already paid, returns 405 Method Not Allowed
. If the invoice is expired, returns 410 Gone
Webhooks can also be registered during invoice creation using the webhook
For security reasons, the provided url
should contain a secret token used to verify the authenticity of the request
(see an example HMAC-based implementation at woocommerce-gateway-lightning
and here).
$ curl -X POST $CHARGE/invoice/OYwwaOQAPMFvg039gj_Rb/webhook -d url=http://example.com/callback
Subscribe to payment updates as a server-sent events stream.
$ curl $CHARGE/payment-stream
# zzZZzZZ
# zZZzzZz
# zZZzzzz...
Or via JavaScript:
const es = new EventSource('http://api-token:[TOKEN]@localhost:9112/payment-stream')
es.addEventListener('message', msg => {
const inv = JSON.parse(msg.data)
console.log('Paid invoice:', inv)
is natively available in modern browsers,
or via the eventsource
library in nodejs)
Subscribe to payment updates over WebSocket.
const ws = new WebSocket('http://api-token:[TOKEN]@localhost:9112/ws')
ws.addEventListener('message', msg => {
const inv = JSON.parse(msg.data)
console.log('Paid invoice:', inv)
Requires bitcoind
, bitcoin-cli
, lightningd
, lightning-cli
and jq
to be in your PATH
$ git clone https://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning-charge.git
$ cd lightning-charge
$ npm install
$ npm test
This will setup a temporary testing environment with a bitcoind regtest node and two c-lightning nodes with a funded channel, then start the Lightning Charge server and run the unit tests (written with mocha and supertest).
To run in verbose mode, set the VERBOSE
environment variable: $ VERBOSE=1 npm test
To pass arguments to mocha, use $ npm test -- [mocha opts]
To prevent the test environment files from being deleted after completing the tests, set KEEP_TMPDIR=1
To setup a testing environment without running the tests, run $ npm run testenv
This will display information about the running services and keep them alive for further inspection.
Tests can also be run using docker: $ docker build --build-arg TESTRUNNER=1 -t charge . && docker run -it --entrypoint npm charge test