3d printed WALL-E controller
https://www.thingiverse.com/chillibasket I changed the electronic parts to one ESP32-CAM and one ESP8266 board. The ESP32-CAM works as access-point and streaming server. The ESP8266 connect to the ESP32-CAM as Wifi client. The ESP8266 controls the Wall-E motors, servos and sound-module. The Wall-E are controllable through a web interface from any browser who connects to the accesspoint of the Wall-E. You have to connect to the Wall-E SID with the password 1234. After successful connection you have to open a browser with the ip-address You will see a homepage with the streaming live video picture and a touch controller to control the Wall-E. Some additional buttons can be configured in source code for your own functions. See code "void handleFunktion1()" for more functions.
Info: This code is not final. The code actually missing the servo part. There are example of servo control in code.
The following functions are realized and ready to run:
- full control of motors in all directions
- sound effects
- Wifi
- Camera streaming
Feel free to add functions and do a pull request!
- store the min and max values of servo motors in EEPROM
- Page for setup of servo values to store in EEPROM
- animations for Wall-E
- adding functions to web-site
- ESP8266
- Motorshield for ESP8266
- I2C Display SED
- Step-down converter from 12V to 5V (servo supply, DFPlayer and ESP VCC)
- LiIo pack with balance board
Eisbaeeer, https://github.com/Eisbaeeer
URL: http://www.weimars.net/?page_id=362
URL: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4069116