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Build instructions using macOS 10.15 (Catalina)

Raphael Coeffic edited this page Nov 8, 2023 · 9 revisions

Install Xcode command line tools:

  • Open Terminal
  • Run this command:
xcode-select —install

Install “brew” (

  • Run command in Terminal:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Install newer Python version:

  • Run command in Terminal:
brew install python

Install Qt 5.12.9:

  • Install aqtinstall Python package:
pip3 install aqtinstall
  • Install Qt 5.12.9
aqt install 5.12.9 mac desktop clang_64

Once Qt has been installed properly, you should set a couple environment variables (please modify according to the real installation paths):

export QTDIR=/Users/etx/Src/Qt/5.12.9/clang_64
export QT_PLUGIN_PATH=$QTDIR/plugins

Please note that QT_PLUGIN_PATH is required to be able to run Companion from your build directory without having to build a DMG package first.

Install ARM toolchain

Download and install ARM GCC from here (installs in /Applications/ARM/):

Please note that this installation takes care of allowing the binaries to be run and "un-quarantines" them. If you choose to install the bz2 archive to another location, you will have to take care of that yourself (see for more details).

Install various dependencies

  • With brew in a Terminal:
brew install sdl fox cmake
  • Install Python dependencies:
pip3 install Pillow clang lz4 jinja2
  • If you face issues from pip3 command, try to fix your CommandLineTools installation From the terminal run:
softwareupdate --list

which produces a list of available updates. Wait a bit for a list to display (won't take very long). And look for the "* Label:" under Software Update found the following new or updated software:

It should say something like: * Label: Command Line Tools for Xcode-13.2

Then simply run:

softwareupdate -i "Command Line Tools for Xcode-13.2"

and replace the text in the brackets with the Label from the previous output. This will then install the updates and the fix for python3.

Compile EdgeTX

  • Checkout code
git clone --recursive
  • Switch into the source directory:
cd edgetx
  • Create build directory and configure build using cmake:
mkdir -p build

cd build

cmake -DPCB=X10 -DPCBREV=TX16S \
   -DARM_TOOLCHAIN_DIR=/Applications/ARM/bin/ \
   -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=$(brew --prefix)/bin/python3 ..

Please note that the variables CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH, ARM_TOOLCHAIN_DIR and PYTHON_EXECUTABLE must be specified additionally to what is described in the other compilation HowTos:

  • CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH: this must point to your Qt installation path.

  • ARM_TOOLCHAIN_DIR: this must point to where ARM GCC has been installed (and MUST contain / at the end).

  • PYTHON_EXECUTABLE: this allows overriding Python installed as part of MacOS.

  • Then build as usual (-j4 to use 4 CPU cores):

make -j4 firmware

Notes on compiling simulator plug-ins

When compiling simulator plug-ins (using make libsimulator with the target properly configured), the product of this compilation will be a .dylib stored in your build directory. If you want the Companion or Simulator Apps to be able to use it, you will need to copy it manually into the respective directories. Here is how it show look like with a couple plug-ins copied:

% ls -l         
total 411976
-rwxr-xr-x  1 etx  staff  27908864 Jan  7 11:48 companion
-rwxr-xr-x  1 etx  staff  57089384 Jan  7 11:22 libedgetx-nv14-simulator.dylib
-rwxr-xr-x  1 etx  staff  61167768 Jan  7 08:44 libedgetx-tx16s-simulator.dylib
-rwxr-xr-x  1 etx  staff  60327272 Jan  5 12:48 libedgetx-x10express-simulator.dylib
-rwxr-xr-x  1 etx  staff   1849768 Dec 26 08:56 libedgetx-x9d+-simulator.dylib
-rwxr-xr-x  1 etx  staff   1881224 Dec 31 16:44 libedgetx-zorro-simulator.dylib

% ls -l 
total 392616
-rwxr-xr-x  1 etx  staff  57089384 Jan  7 11:22 libedgetx-nv14-simulator.dylib
-rwxr-xr-x  1 etx  staff  61168056 Jan  5 11:52 libedgetx-tx16s-simulator.dylib
-rwxr-xr-x  1 etx  staff  60327272 Jan  5 12:34 libedgetx-x10express-simulator.dylib
-rwxr-xr-x  1 etx  staff  21732144 Jan  7 11:48 simulator
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