This is a CHIP-8 emulator written in C++ using SDL3 for graphics. CHIP-8 is an interpreted programming language used on early home computers, notably the COSMAC VIP and Telmac 1800. The emulator allows you to run CHIP-8 games and programs, emulating the original hardware functionality on modern systems.
- Emulates the full CHIP-8 instruction set.
- Loads and runs CHIP-8 ROM files.
- Simple graphics display with a 64x32 pixel resolution.
- Keyboard input mapping to simulate the CHIP-8 keypad.
- Sound has not yet been implemented
The CHIP-8 architecture consists of the following components:
- Memory: 4KB of RAM, from 0x000 to 0xFFF, which stores the program, data, and stack.
- Registers: 16 general-purpose 8-bit registers (
), used for arithmetic and logical operations. - Stack: Used to store return addresses during subroutine calls. The stack can hold up to 16 return addresses.
- Timers: 2 8-bit timers (
) that decrease at 60Hz. - Graphics: 64x32 pixel display for rendering the graphics. The display is monochrome (black/white).
- Keypad: 16 keys that simulate user input (mapped to your keyboard).
Here’s the complete CHIP-8 instruction set:
Opcode | Instruction | Description |
00E0 |
CLS (Clear the screen) |
Clears the screen. |
00EE |
RET (Return from subroutine) |
Returns from a subroutine by popping the top of the stack into the program counter. |
1NNN |
JP NNN (Jump to address NNN) |
Jumps to the address NNN . |
2NNN |
CALL NNN (Call subroutine at NNN) |
Calls the subroutine at address NNN , pushing the return address onto the stack. |
3XNN |
SE VX, NN (Skip if VX == NN) |
Skips the next instruction if register Vx is equal to NN . |
4XNN |
SNE VX, NN (Skip if VX != NN) |
Skips the next instruction if register Vx is not equal to NN . |
5XY0 |
SE VX, VY (Skip if VX == VY) |
Skips the next instruction if register Vx equals register Vy . |
6XNN |
LD VX, NN (Set VX to NN) |
Sets register Vx to the value NN . |
7XNN |
ADD VX, NN (Add NN to VX) |
Adds the value NN to register Vx . |
8XY0 |
LD VX, VY (Set VX to VY) |
Sets register Vx to the value of register Vy . |
8XY1 |
Performs a bitwise OR on registers Vx and Vy , storing the result in Vx . |
8XY2 |
Performs a bitwise AND on registers Vx and Vy , storing the result in Vx . |
8XY3 |
Performs a bitwise XOR on registers Vx and Vy , storing the result in Vx . |
8XY4 |
ADD VX, VY (VX = VX + VY, VF = carry) |
Adds the value of Vy to Vx and sets the VF register to 1 if there is a carry, otherwise 0. |
8XY5 |
SUB VX, VY (VX = VX - VY, VF = borrow) |
Subtracts Vy from Vx and sets VF to 0 if there's a borrow, otherwise 1. |
8XY6 |
SHR VX {, VY} (VX = VX >> 1) |
Shifts Vx right by one bit, storing the result in Vx . |
8XY7 |
SUBN VX, VY (VX = VY - VX, VF = borrow) |
Subtracts Vx from Vy , and sets VF to 0 if there's a borrow, otherwise 1. |
8XYE |
SHL VX {, VY} (VX = VX << 1) |
Shifts Vx left by one bit, storing the result in Vx . |
9XY0 |
SNE VX, VY (Skip if VX != VY) |
Skips the next instruction if Vx is not equal to Vy . |
LD I, NNN (Set I to address NNN) |
Sets the I register to the address NNN . |
JP V0, NNN (Jump to NNN + V0) |
Jumps to the address NNN plus the value in V0 . |
RND VX, NN (VX = random AND NN) |
Sets Vx to a random number AND NN . |
DRW VX, VY, N (Draw sprite) |
Draws a sprite at position (Vx, Vy) with a width of N pixels, and stores the sprite in memory at I . |
EX9E |
SKP VX (Skip if key pressed) |
Skips the next instruction if the key in register Vx is pressed. |
EXA1 |
SKNP VX (Skip if key not pressed) |
Skips the next instruction if the key in register Vx is not pressed. |
FX07 |
LD VX, DT (Set VX to delay timer) |
Sets Vx to the current value of the delay timer. |
FX0A |
LD VX, K (Wait for key press) |
Waits for a key to be pressed and stores the value in Vx . |
FX15 |
LD DT, VX (Set delay timer to VX) |
Sets the delay timer to the value in register Vx . |
FX18 |
LD ST, VX (Set sound timer to VX) |
Sets the sound timer to the value in register Vx . |
FX1E |
ADD I, VX (I = I + VX) |
Adds the value of register Vx to the I register. |
FX29 |
LD F, VX (Set I to sprite location) |
Sets I to the location of the sprite for the character in Vx . |
FX33 |
LD B, VX (Store BCD of VX at I) |
Stores the binary-coded decimal representation of Vx at memory locations I , I+1 , and I+2 . |
FX55 |
LD [I], VX (Store registers in memory) |
Stores the values of registers V0 through Vx at memory starting from address I . |
FX65 |
LD VX, [I] (Read registers from memory) |
Reads values into registers V0 through Vx from memory starting at address I . |
- Use the following keys to simulate the CHIP-8 keypad:
- 1, 2, 3, 4 for
1, 2, 3, C
on the CHIP-8 keypad. - Q, W, E, R for
4, 5, 6, D
. - A, S, D, F for
7, 8, 9, E
. - Z, X, C, V for
A, 0, B, F
- 1, 2, 3, 4 for
- Make and g++ compiler for C++
- A CHIP-8 ROM file to test the emulator (you can find couple of ROMS in /roms folder).
- if you download more roms, just put them in roms folder
To run the CHIP-8 emulator, do this:
./chip8 name_of_rom_from_roms_folder_without_ch8