A full-stack personal blog application built with React for the frontend and Node.js/Express for the backend. The app allows users to:
- Create and manage blogs.
- Upload and manage profile avatars.
- View and update their profiles, including activity logs.
- Securely handle authentication with JWT.
- Login and Register:
- Users can securely register and log in to the application.
- Passwords are hashed using
for security.
- Token-based Authentication:
- Access tokens (short-lived) and refresh tokens (long-lived) are used for secure session management.
- Token refresh is automated via Axios interceptors.
- Profile Page:
- Displays user details, including username and avatar.
- Allows users to upload and update their profile picture.
- Avatar Upload:
- Avatars are stored with filenames based on the user's ID (
). - Old avatars are replaced automatically when a new one is uploaded.
- Avatars are served securely through a dedicated backend route.
- Avatars are stored with filenames based on the user's ID (
- Create Blogs:
- Users can write and publish blogs using a rich-text editor (Quill).
- Markdown and HTML content are supported.
- View Blogs:
- Blogs are displayed dynamically, showing the content and metadata (author, creation date).
- Displays a user's recent activity (e.g., blogs created).
- Sorted by most recent actions.
- Fully responsive design using Tailwind CSS for consistent styling and layout.
- React:
- Functional components with hooks like
, and custom hooks (useAuth
- Functional components with hooks like
- React Router:
- Implemented routes for navigation (
, etc.).
- Implemented routes for navigation (
- Axios:
- Custom Axios instance for handling API requests.
- Interceptors for automatic token refresh.
- React Quill:
- Integrated rich-text editor for blog creation.
- Tailwind CSS:
- Styled components and layouts for a modern, responsive UI.
- Node.js/Express:
- RESTful APIs for managing blogs, user profiles, and authentication.
- JWT (JSON Web Tokens):
- Secure token-based authentication with access and refresh tokens.
- Multer:
- Middleware for handling file uploads (e.g., avatar images).
- Bcrypt:
- Password hashing for secure user registration.
- MongoDB/Mongoose:
- Database schema and queries for blogs, users, and activity logs.
- Used
modules in Node.js to manage file uploads and deletions. - Avatar images are stored in
and served via an Express static route.
- Frontend:
- Displayed error messages for failed API requests (e.g., blog creation, avatar upload).
- Backend:
- Middleware for validating data and handling authentication (e.g.,
- Middleware for validating data and handling authentication (e.g.,
npm install
npm run start
JWT_SECRET=<Your JWT Secret>
JWT_REFRESH_SECRET=<Your JWT Refresh Secret>
mkdir -p uploads/avatars
## Future Enhancements
- Implement social sharing for blogs.
- Add categories/tags for blog organization.
- Use AWS S3 or Cloudinary for scalable avatar and media storage.
- Enable comment functionality for blogs.
- Add analytics for tracking blog views and reactions.