This is a customized version of the Raspbian Image for the Raspberry Pi. It has been updated to help users get started quickly with Dexter Industries Robots.
- See more about Raspbian for Robots software here.
- See another information page about Raspbian for Robots here.
- See a troubleshooting guide for Raspbian for Robots Here.
This repository contains the latest and freshest updates to our software!
If all this looks too complicated, don't fear! You can download a pre-configured image with the latest software here.
We have detailed step by step instructions on how to install this image onto an SD Card here.
In order to create a Raspbian For Robots
from a pure Jessie
image, open up a terminal in a GUI instantiated environment (the Desktop) and type the following command:
sudo curl -L | bash
The same command can be used for updating all the repositories that are found under the "umbrella" of Raspbian For Robots
- Default hostname is dex. Default user is pi. The default password is robots1234. VNC password is robots1234.
- Login on dex.local through your browser.
- Change the hostname directly on the sdcard. Open "hostname" in a file editor and change the name to the hostname you desire. Boot once, and restart to initiate the new hostname.
- noVNC available in the browser. You can access from http://dex.local
- Terminal available in the browser. You can access from http://dex.local
- Scratch Starter Program - Start Scratch for the different robots in the Dexter Industries Scratch Program.
- Test and Troubleshoot Program - We've added a Test and Troubleshoot program.
- Update Program - We have a dedicated program for updating the software, the operating system, and the firmware of your robot.
- Samba - Samba is installed. The login credentials are "pi" and "robots1234".
You can change the hostname of your Raspberry Pi from "dex" to whatever you like. This is particularly helpful if you have more than one Raspberry Pi on the same wifi network.
Place the microSD card in the SD card adapter, and place in your PC or Mac. Open the file "hostname" in a text editor. It should say "dex" by default. Change that name to whatever name you like, with no spaces, tabs or special characters. And be sure to use lower case letters. Save the file. Replace the SD card in the Raspberry Pi and power it up. Wait 5 minutes. Remove the power to turn off the Raspberry Pi. Power up the Raspberry Pi again. The Raspberry Pi should have the new hostname.
The following ports are used or have the potential for being used:
80: http://dex.local
5901: noVNC service
8001: noVNC at http://dex.local:8001
4200: shellInABox at http://dex.local:4200
21852: IR Receiver
98: Browser Streaming Robot project
These scripts manage to update the Raspbian for Robots image. These changes are all executed using the Update button on the LXE Desktop of the Raspberry Pi.
We've developed a new way to connect using Cinch! This lets you use wifi to tether to your robot.
On each publication, we run these tests on a burned image to test it.
The code here is Licensed under The MIT License (MIT) . Please review the file or here for more information Copyright (C) 2016 Dexter Industries