DLClibrary is a lightweight library supporting universal functions for the DeepLabCut ecosystem.
Supported functions (at this point):
- API for downloading model weights from the model zoo
The package can be installed using pip
pip install dlclibrary
is not an official DeepLabCut product.
Downloading a pretrained model from the model zoo:
from pathlib import Path
from dlclibrary import download_huggingface_model
# Creates a folder and downloads the model to it
model_dir = Path("./superanimal_quadruped_model")
download_huggingface_model("superanimal_quadruped", model_dir)
PyTorch models available for a given dataset (compatible with DeepLabCut>=3.0) can be
listed using the dlclibrary.get_available_detectors
methods. The datasets for which models are available
can be listed using dlclibrary.get_available_datasets
. Example use:
>>> import dlclibrary
>>> dlclibrary.get_available_datasets()
['superanimal_bird', 'superanimal_topviewmouse', 'superanimal_quadruped']
>>> dlclibrary.get_available_detectors("superanimal_bird")
['fasterrcnn_mobilenet_v3_large_fpn', 'ssdlite']
>>> dlclibrary.get_available_models("superanimal_bird")
Pick a good model_name. Follow the (novel) naming convention (modeltype_species), e.g. superanimal_topviewmouse
Add the model_name with path and commit ID to: https://github.com/DeepLabCut/DLClibrary/blob/main/dlclibrary/dlcmodelzoo/modelzoo_urls.yaml
Add the model name to the constant: MODELOPTIONS https://github.com/DeepLabCut/DLClibrary/blob/main/dlclibrary/dlcmodelzoo/modelzoo_download.py#L15
For superanimal models also fill in the configs!
PyTorch models are listed in dlclibrary/dlcmodelzoo/modelzoo_urls_pytorch.yaml
. The file is organized as:
my_cool_dataset: # name of the dataset used to train the model
detector_name: path/to/huggingface-detector.pt # add detectors under `detector`
pose_model_name: path/to/huggingface-pose-model.pt # add pose models under `pose_models`
other_pose_model_name: path/to/huggingface-other-pose-model.pt
This will allow users to download the models using the format datatsetName_modelName
i.e. for this example 3 models would be available: my_cool_dataset_detector_name
and my_cool_dataset_other_pose_model_name
To add a new model for deeplabcut >= 3.0.0
, simply:
- add a new line under detectors or pose models if the dataset is already defined
- add the structure if the model was trained on a new dataset
The models will then be listed when calling dlclibrary.get_available_detectors
! You can list the datasets for which models are
available using dlclibrary.get_available_datasets