Welcome to the repository for the Python-based Discord Rich Presence Client for Nucleares
To run NuclearesRPC, simply unzip a Release zip file and run the client
To install NuclearesRPC for Steam
- unzip a Release zip file, move the contents to the root of your Nucleares install (typically "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Nuclear Last Darkness")
- Shift+Right Click the nuclearesrpc.exe file and select Copy As Path
- In Steam, select Nucleares, then Properties
- Paste into the Launch Options, and add %command%
- It should look like
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Nuclear Last Darkness\nuclearesrpc.exe" %command%
- Once in-game, in the tablet, go to Status, and press Start Webserver. The client will start automatically (THIS MUST BE DONE EVERY TIME THE GAME RESTARTS!)
When reporting a bug with the client, please be sure to reproduce the bug while running the RPC in debug mode so a debug log is generated.
To debug through steam, add -d
after the exe path and before %command%
For Example: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Nuclear Last Darkness\nuclearesrpc.exe" -d %command%
Simply add --debug or -d to the launch args