DDTH's DAO library: utility and base classes to implement application's data access layer.
By Thanh Ba Nguyen (btnguyen2k (at) gmail.com).
Project home: https://github.com/DDTH/ddth-dao
requires Java 11+ since v1.0.0, for Java 8, use v0.10.y
Latest release version: 1.1.1
Maven dependency: if only a sub-set of ddth-dao
functionality is used, choose the corresponding
dependency artifact(s) to reduce the number of unused jar files.
ddth-dao-core: core classes for DAO pattern, all other dependencies are optional.
ddth-dao-cassandra: include all ddth-dao-core and Cassandra dependencies.
ddth-dao-jdbc: include all ddth-dao-core and Spring-Jdbc dependencies.
ddth-dao-lucenee: include all ddth-dao-core and Lucene dependencies.
- Build application's DAO from ddth-dao-core.
- Implement JDBC-based DAO or NoSQL DAO.
See LICENSE.txt for details. Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Thanh Ba Nguyen.
Third party libraries are distributed under their own license(s).