Releases: CroatianMeteorNetwork/cmn_binviewer
- Add functionality to create MP4 of event
- If a meteor is split across two files, merge it when making the GIF
- Fix various small bugs
Upgrade Process
Linux, PI, MacOS
Open a Terminal window and type the following:
cd $HOME/source/cmn_binviewer
git pull
This should download the newest versions of any changed files.
If you've installed binviewer in some other location than $HOME/source/cmn_binviewer then amend the instructions as needed.
Download and run the attached 64-bit windows installer package.
To create MP4 video ffmpeg.exe must also installed on your PC. You can download the latest version from here:
You only need ffmpeg.exe from the zip file.
Extract it to a folder of your choice and either add this folder to the PATH environment variable, or set the ffmpeg_path_win variable in the cmn_binviewer config file. For example i have extracted it to c:\users\myusername\utils\ffmpeg.exe
so i have put the following in the config file
ffmpeg_path_win = "c:\users\myusername\utils\ffmpeg.exe"
Enclose the full path in quotemarks to avoid issues when the path contains spaces.
Version 3.35 for Windows 64 bit only
This release contains the following new features
- in detection or confirmation modes, display meteor shower and magnitude onscreen if available
- when saving an image, add the shower and magnitude, if the checkbox to embed image name is ticked
- add a new mode "rejected" which displays detections that got rejected by RMS, if the data are available.
The rejected mode will first look in the selected folder for the files, and then if they're not present it will look in a CapturedFiles folder, following the normal RMS folder structure. If the image isn't in either location then a dialog will advise the user.
Note: this software requires the Microsoft Visual C++ 64-bit Redistributables 2015-2022 package to be installed. This is usually already installed by other software but if you experience problems you can dowload it from this page.
Version 3.34 for Windows
Windows package of v3.34
Fixes a small bug in the Save Frames process.
also removes the dependency on pyfits which is deprecated.
v3.31 for Windows 32-bit
Terminal version for 32-bit Windows. If you require a more recent release, please install the Python version as explained in the README file on github.