_________ __ ___________.__ .__ __
/ _____// |______ ______\_ _____/|__| ____ | |___/ |_ ___________ ______
\_____ \\ __\__ \\_ __ \ __) | |/ ___\| | \ __\/ __ \_ __ \/ ___/
/ \| | / __ \| | \/ \ | / /_/ > Y \ | \ ___/| | \/\___ \
/_______ /|__| (____ /__| \___ / |__\___ /|___| /__| \___ >__| /____ >
\/ \/ \/ /_____/ \/ \/ \/
Both Launchers run within their own embedded PowerShell Host, so we don't need PowerShell.exe. This might be usefull when a company is blocking PowerShell.exe and/or is using a Application Whitelisting solution, but does not block running JS/VBS files.
Empire PowerShell Host build by Cn33liz and embedded within JavaScript using DotNetToJScript from James Forshaw https://github.com/tyranid/DotNetToJScript
* Setup a new Listener within PowerShell Empire.
* Use the Launcher command to Generate a PowerShell launcher for this listener.
* Copy and Replace the Base64 encoded Launcher Payload within the StarFighter JavaScript or VBScript file.
* For the JavaScript version use the following Variable:
var EncodedPayload = "<Paste Encoded Launcher Payload Here>"
* For the VBScript version use the following Variable:
Dim EncodedPayload: EncodedPayload = "<Paste Encoded Launcher Payload Here>"
* Then run: wscript.exe StarFighter.js or StarFighter.vbs on Target, or DoubleClick the launchers within Explorer.
- Instead of Blocking PowerShell.exe, make sure you enable PowerShell Constrained Language to all of your users that do not need to use PowerShell for their daily work.
- Use Device Guard and make sure you only allow signed Java, VBS and PowerShell Scripts to prevent Malicious use.