go-update-checker is a go library for checking the version of a currently installed application or package against its latest release on github. It also enables caching and setting a minimum interval of days after which a updatecheck against the github API should be performed to prevent spamming the API.
Versions used with go-update-checker must follow SemVer.
Installation can be done with a normal go get
$ go get github.com/Christian1984/go-update-checker
import (
updatechecker "github.com/Christian1984/go-update-checker"
func main() {
uc := updatechecker.New("Christian1984", "go-update-checker", "Go Update Checker", "", 0, true, false)
=== INFO: A new update is available for Go Update Checker ===
Version: 0.0.2
Title: Go Update Checker - 0.0.2
Changed receivers to pointer receivers
Download the latest version here:
=== INFO: You are running the latestest Version of Go Update Checker ===
/* alternatively use uc.Message (type string) in any other context */
If you find an issue with this library, please report an issue. If you'd like, we welcome any contributions. Fork this library and submit a pull request.