Golang port of this R package
Golang package that takes Chinese location/address stings as input and returns geolocation data for each input string. This package does not rely on an external API service to perform geocoding. It is dependency-free.
The functions are designed to work with business name strings and address strings. For each input string, the following
values are returned: Province
, City
, County
, Provincial geocode
, City geocode
, and County geocode
The package is using geo substrings and associated geocodes from Administrative-divisions-of-China on GitHub, put together by user modood.
For more info on geolocating Chinese strings, see this 2016 paper on the subject. The geolocation function works by using both substring matching and geocodes to validate child regions and infer parent regions.
go get github.com/ChrisMuir/address-parse-china
Function GeoLocate()
package main
import (
apc "github.com/ChrisMuir/address-parse-china"
func main() {
locs := []string{
geoLocs := apc.GeoLocate(locs)
geoLocsJson, _ := json.Marshal(geoLocs)
fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("%+v", string(geoLocsJson)))
"Address": "大连市甘井子区南关岭街道姚工街101号",
"Province": "辽宁",
"ProvinceCode": 21,
"City": "大连",
"CityCode": 2102,
"County": "甘井子",
"CountyCode": 210211
"Address": "浙江省杭州市余杭区径山镇小古城村",
"Province": "浙江",
"ProvinceCode": 33,
"City": "杭州",
"CityCode": 3301,
"County": "余杭",
"CountyCode": 330110
"Address": "大连御洋食品有限公司",
"Province": "辽宁",
"ProvinceCode": 21,
"City": "大连",
"CityCode": 2102,
"County": "",
"CountyCode": 0
"Address": "徐州雅莲连锁超市有限公司",
"Province": "江苏",
"ProvinceCode": 32,
"City": "徐州",
"CityCode": 3203,
"County": "",
"CountyCode": 0
"Address": "四川省南充市阆中市公园路63号",
"Province": "四川",
"ProvinceCode": 51,
"City": "南充",
"CityCode": 5113,
"County": "阆中",
"CountyCode": 511381
"Address": "同德县鲜肉蔬菜配送行",
"Province": "青海",
"ProvinceCode": 63,
"City": "海南藏族",
"CityCode": 6325,
"County": "同德",
"CountyCode": 632522
There are also functions that expose the pkg data used for geolocation, GetProvinceData()
, GetCityData()
, and GetCountyData()
package main
import (
apc "github.com/ChrisMuir/address-parse-china"
func main() {
provs := apc.GetProvinceData()
provsJson, _ := json.Marshal(provs)
fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("%+v", string(provsJson)))
"ProvinceName": "北京",
"ProvinceCode": 11
"ProvinceName": "天津",
"ProvinceCode": 12
"ProvinceName": "河北",
"ProvinceCode": 13
"ProvinceName": "山西",
"ProvinceCode": 14
"ProvinceName": "内蒙古",
"ProvinceCode": 15
"ProvinceName": "辽宁",
"ProvinceCode": 21
"ProvinceName": "吉林",
"ProvinceCode": 22
"ProvinceName": "黑龙江",
"ProvinceCode": 23
"ProvinceName": "上海",
"ProvinceCode": 31
"ProvinceName": "江苏",
"ProvinceCode": 32
"ProvinceName": "浙江",
"ProvinceCode": 33
"ProvinceName": "安徽",
"ProvinceCode": 34
"ProvinceName": "福建",
"ProvinceCode": 35
"ProvinceName": "江西",
"ProvinceCode": 36
"ProvinceName": "山东",
"ProvinceCode": 37
"ProvinceName": "河南",
"ProvinceCode": 41
"ProvinceName": "湖北",
"ProvinceCode": 42
"ProvinceName": "湖南",
"ProvinceCode": 43
"ProvinceName": "广东",
"ProvinceCode": 44
"ProvinceName": "广西壮族",
"ProvinceCode": 45
"ProvinceName": "海南",
"ProvinceCode": 46
"ProvinceName": "重庆",
"ProvinceCode": 50
"ProvinceName": "四川",
"ProvinceCode": 51
"ProvinceName": "贵州",
"ProvinceCode": 52
"ProvinceName": "云南",
"ProvinceCode": 53
"ProvinceName": "西藏",
"ProvinceCode": 54
"ProvinceName": "陕西",
"ProvinceCode": 61
"ProvinceName": "甘肃",
"ProvinceCode": 62
"ProvinceName": "青海",
"ProvinceCode": 63
"ProvinceName": "宁夏回族",
"ProvinceCode": 64
"ProvinceName": "新疆维吾尔",
"ProvinceCode": 65
package address_parse_china
import "testing"
func BenchmarkGeoLocate(b *testing.B) {
locs := []string{
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
~/address-parse-china % go test -bench=.
goos: darwin
goarch: arm64
pkg: github.com/ChrisMuir/address-parse-china
BenchmarkGeoLocate-8 40614 26821 ns/op
ok github.com/ChrisMuir/address-parse-china 1.614s