Javascript implementation of clvm_tools (clvm = Chia Lisp VM)
In version 0.x.x, I may introduce several breaking changes in the future.
So please consider clvm_tools-js < v1.0.0
as a trial version and Proof of Concept.
I'm currently planning a breaking change, which is filesystem abstraction on browser.
So if you intend to use clvm_tools-js
in NodeJS (not browser), it is possible that version 0.x.x and 1.0.0 will have no difference. (I cannot assure you though)
At current version, you can create virtual files into browser's localStorage as described in Using localStorage as a pseudo file system
But this is a poor implementation compared to actual filesystem on OS as it lacks concept of 'directory'. (You can still mimic a directory by setting sharing part of path as a key of localStorage)
Maybe You want to set --include/-i
option to load chialisp libraries to run the same program as that of chia-blockchain
But it is so painful to create and manage library files with such a poor pseudo filesystem with localStorage.
That's why I decided take time to bring more well-designed filesystem implementation.
npm install clvm_tools
# or
yarn add clvm_tools
passes all the test equivalent to Python's original clvm_tools
You can compare test files for Javascript and Python
To run the test, execute the following command.
git clone
cd clvm_tools-js
npm install
npm run test
# or
yarn test
If you find something not compatible with Python's clvm_tools, please report it to GitHub issues.
Note: Currently wasm build of clvm_rs
is not fully compatible with Python's build of clvm_rs
See details here.
This code is compatible with:
of clvm_toolsa6ff35de34308021bdf74dcfae1192838acb378a
of [email protected]
If you have npx
installed, you even do not need to have clvm_tools
$ npx clvm_tools run "(mod ARGUMENT (+ ARGUMENT 3))"
(+ 1 (q . 3))
$ npx clvm_tools brun "(+ 1 (q . 3))" "2"
const clvm_tools = require("clvm_tools");
// You can skip async-initialization below until `op_pubkey_for_exp` or `op_point_add` is called
// or dispatch run/brun command with "--experiment-backend rust" option
await clvm_tools.initialize();
clvm_tools.go("run", "(mod ARGUMENT (+ ARGUMENT 3))");
// (+ 1 (q . 3))
clvm_tools.go("brun", "(+ 1 (q . 3))", "2");
// 5
// use clvm_rs for backend
clvm_tools.go("brun", "(+ 1 (q . 3))", "2", "--time", "--experiment-backend", "rust");
// assemble_from_ir: 0.00034061598777768154
// to_sexp_f: 0.0005161969661706678
// run_program: 0.0003017840385446391
// 5
If you develop web application with clvm_tools
which runs on browser, you need to import module from clvm_tools/browser
import * as clvm_tools from "clvm_tools/browser";
switches read/write IO operation to browser's localStorage
from OS's file system.
So if you do clvm_tools.go("brun", "/path/to/clvm/file", "2")
, it searches localStorage with the key "/path/to/clvm/file"
In such a case, you need to pre-allocate clvm content into localStorage just like saving contents into a file.
NOTE: As I described at the very beginning of this README, I will introduce breaking change to this pseudo file system at v1.0.0
is a simple key-value store.
It stores string key and string data, and it returns string data by associated key.
If you want to manually store data "(+ 1 (q . 3))"
to the file path "/path/to/clvm/file"
with localStorage
you need to follow the steps described below.
// 1. Create a file object
var fileObj = {
mTimeMs:, // Modified time.
encode: "string", // "string" or "hex". For now, there are no situations to use 'hex'.
data: "(+ 1 (q . 3))", // If 'encode' is 'hex' this should be hex string and it will be decoded as binary data.
// 2. Stringify the object
var fileObjStr = JSON.stringify(fileObj);
// 3. Finally save it to the localStorage
localStorage.setItem("/path/to/clvm/file", fileObjStr);
// Then clvm_tools recognizes it as a file.
clvm_tools.go("brun", "/path/to/clvm/file", "2");
// output: 5
By default, command outputs are printed to browser's dev console.
So if you want to capture those output, you need to redirect console output to somewhere you want.
import * as clvm_tools from "clvm_tools/browser";
const stdoutEl = document.getElementById("...") as HTMLElement;
const printFn = (...messages: any[]) => {
stdoutEl.textContent = (stdoutEl.textContent || "") + (messages.join(" ") + "\n");
Some parts of clvm_tools
depend on WebAssembly.
For example:
relies on wasm build of bls-signatures.- option
--experiment-backend clvm_rs
commands relies on wasm build of clvm_rs
In order for those wasm files to be loaded correctly, you need to make sure that the wasm files are stored in the same folder as the main js file, which clvm_tools
is bundled into.
├── ... ├── main.js # js file which clvm_tools is compiled into. ├── clvm_rs_bg.wasm # copy it from node_modules/clvm_tools/browser/clvm_rs_bg.wasm └── blsjs.wasm # copy it from node_modules/clvm_tools/browser/blsjs.wasm
Note1: If you use React, please copy blsjs.wasm
and clvm_rs_bg.wasm
in node_modules/clvm_tools/browser/
to <react-project-root>/public/static/js/
React automatically copies wasm files next to the main js file on building. (if you use react-scripts, or you started project by create-react-app
Note2: Redistributing your project with bundled blsjs.wasm
and/or clvm_rs_bg.wasm
must be compliant with Apache2.0 License provided by Chia-Network
The .wasm files are not loaded automatically. It requires programmer to fetch and load wasm files in the following way.
// Typescript
import * as clvm_tools from "clvm_tools/browser";
// ...
// This 'clvm_tools.initialize()' fetches and loads wasm files from the same path of the current js file location.
// For example, if url of the js file currently running is '',
// it tries to fetch wasm files from ''
// and ''
await clvm_tools.initialize();
// ...
Note that if you are really sure that you never use op_point_add
and op_pubkey_for_exp
and clvm_rs
as a backend,
then you can skip the above async initialization. It never raises an exception until those wasm files are actually required.
uses BigInt
. So if runtime environment does not support BigInt
, clvm_tools-js
doesn't work as well.
If you transpile code using babel or something which uses babel (like create-react-app),
you need to tell the transpiler to optimize code only for the target browsers.
Just copy and paste below to your package.json
and you can avoid a lot of runtime incompatibility issues.
"browserslist": [
"edge >= 79",
"firefox >= 68",
"chrome >= 67",
"safari > 14",
"opera >= 54",
"ios_saf >= 14.4",
"android >= 67",
"op_mob >= 48",
"and_chr >= 67",
"and_ff >= 68",
"samsung >= 9.2",
"node >= 10.4.0",
"electron >= 4.0.0"
is based on clvm_tools with the
Apache license 2.0
Wasm build of clvm_rs is redistributed under the Apache license 2.0
Wasm build of bls-signatures is redistributed under the Apache license 2.0