A cinema management GUI (graphical user interface) application written in Java/JavaFX. Allows customer and employee sign up and navigation to different sides of the application based on role. Employees can add films, view data about bookings & seating plans and edit their own data. Customers can view a home page, view what's on, filter by date/genre, book for specific showings and maintain their account.
For a demonstration of the application:
Java SE Development Kit. This README will focus on download into an IDE such as Eclipse.
Clone the repository and import into IDE.
This project requires the JDOM external JAR which can be downloaded here: http://www.jdom.org/downloads/. To add this external JAR to the project in eclipse:
- Right-click the project folder for the project on which you are working, and click Properties. Click Java Build Path.
- Click the Libraries tab.
- To add an external dependency, click Add External JARs, select the JAR file that you want to add, then click Open.
For further information see: see: https://www.wikihow.com/Add-JARs-to-Project-Build-Paths-in-Eclipse-(Java)
To get an executable JAR file for this project follow the instructions here: https://www.cs.utexas.edu/~scottm/cs307/handouts/Eclipse%20Help/jarInEclipse.htm When running program from the JAR file: to add images to the application - store images in a folder called 'images' at the root where JAR file is saved. (So relative path to any new images added is: images/your_image.jpg).
Daiana Bassi: https://github.com/db-assi