- scaffold repo: https://github.com/Badger-Finance/badger-vaults-sunset
- old vault repo: https://github.com/Badger-Finance/remBadger/tree/feat/restituton2.0
- new vault repo: https://github.com/Badger-Finance/remBadgerVault
- description full: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14Ub20r21C7Sqt05SeMyjRX4Qr76PxpeWPLZpC91GYHw/edit
UI shows state of bremBadger phases ( Deposit phase, Hold phase, Withdraw phase) Phases
Deposit: see remBadger balance, allow users to deposit their remBadger balance into bremBadger vault. Have ToS confirmation w/ sign off they understand (will require wallet sign). Allow users to see their balance in the bremBadger vault. Say when they will be allowed to withdraw + explain basic rules of this + link to forum/docs. There will be a countdown to when Deposits will be closed
Hold Phase: Say Deposits is closed, still show bremBadger balance and countdown to allowed withdrawal. Still show rules
Withdraw Phase: Allow withdraws of their positions + Above.
- have link to intercom support
- website copy/wording very important