Project FREISA, an acronym for "F
our-legged R
obot E
nsuring I
ntelligent S
prinkler A
utomation", continues the storyline of the B-AROL-O Team's saga.
Project FREISA was the Grand Prize Winner 🥇 of the OpenCV AI Competition 2023 with OpenCV, Khadas and Seeed Studio.
In more recent times, FREISA was a Finalist of Backdrop Build v3 and repeated the same achievement with Build v4, Build v5 and Build v6:
We published a detailed writeup of Project FREISA on at the end of November 2023 and some weeks later on
More recently, we published an updated writeup on
Issue 139 of The MagPi Magazine contains a 4-page interview by David Crookes to the B-AROL-O Team who talk about FREISA (get the PDF here).
Here is a short presentation of Project FREISA (slides) given during an event which took place in December 2023 organized by DataBeers Torino and Python Torino
FirstName LastName | GitHub_ID | Telegram_ID |
Pietro d'Agostino | @pitdagosti | Pit836 |
Davide Macario | @davmacario | DavideMacario |
Gianpaolo Macario | @gmacario | gmacario |
Eric Orso | @OrsoEric | x05032MendicantBias |
Gianfranco Poncini | @Muwattalli | Togodumno |
We express gratitude to the following people who actively contributed to the project but are no longer active in FREISA:
FirstName LastName | Role | GitHub_ID | Telegram_ID |
Francesca Petrocchi | Support and ideas | @francipetrocchi | stabilofuxia |
Andrea Podo | Member | @AndreaPodo | andreapodo |
Gianluca Teti | Advisor | @gteti | Gianteti |
Alessandro Varesi | Support and ideas | @alv67 | - |
Project Amarone reused some of the code and algorithms originally developed for FREISA. The project was created by Gianluca Teti together with a couple of members of the B-AROL-O team and is available on Hackster.
This was the first public project of the B-AROL-O Team. Some of the algorithms and code developed for ARNEIS have been reused and further refined by FREISA.
Project FREISA is featured in the front page of Kickstarter "Project We Love" campaign "ChatGPT Robot Kit: Unlock your AI Dream Job" by Mangdang Ltd.
OpenSCAD library to draw LEGO® beams and plates with custom patterns. This GitHub repository contains most of the custom 3D-printed parts which are needed to build the FREISA Robot Dog.
The B-AROL-O Team was selected by Seeed Studio to receive one of the 50 SenseCAP Watcher Alpha and delivered a comprehensive writeup on before its official launch.
Project FREISA has also been featured in the Kickstarter "Project We Love" campaign "SenseCAP Watcher - The Physical AI Agent for Smarter Spaces" by Seeed Studio, including the teaser video and a few photos on the front page.
You may follow @baroloteam on Instagram or @baroloteam on X to get notified about the progress of the FREISA project.
Please report bugs and feature requests on, or DM B-AROL-O Team on X about security issues or other non-public topics.
Copyright (C) 2023-2024, B-AROL-O Team, all rights reserved.
The source code contained in this repository and the executable distributions are licensed under the terms of the MIT license as detailed in the LICENSE file.
Please note that your contribution to the project Documentation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 License. see