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An %%stan magic extension for Jupyter Notebook that helps to author/run Stan code within your notebook interactive session. After iterating with your model code and post succesful compile, an object is returned in your namespace [_stan_model or an <object_name> specified in -v option] that can be used to pass the file/code further to pystan for model execution.

The model_object has rich formatted html output with syntax highlighting for stan code (via Stan pygments lexer). See below for example

For code


Install stanmagic using pip

$ pip install git+

Optional - Specifying compiler path [else defaults to pystan.stanc]

Ensure you have the STAN compiler (stanc) installed on your platform. Instructions can be found at

Ensure that stanc is in your path or you can pass the compiler path manually via the -- stanc <compiler path>


See sample notebook for usage details

%%stan [-v <object_name>]

Saves the cell code to a string. The code string can be accessed via _stan_model.model_code or <object_name>.model_code (if you specified [-v <object_name>] option)

%%stan -f <stan_file_name> [-v <object_name>]

Saves the cell code to a file specified in <stan_file_name>. The file name can be accessed via _stan_model.model_file or via <object_name>.model_file (if you specified [-v <object_name>] option)

%%stan -f <stan_file_name> --save_only Saves the cell code to a file specified in <stan_file_name>. Skips the compile step

%%stan -f <stan_file_name> -o <cpp_file_name>

Saves the cell code to a file specified in <stan_file_name> and outputs the compiled cpp file to the file name specified by <cpp_file_name>

%% stan -f <stan_file_name> --allow_undefined

passes the --allow_undefined argument to stanc compiler (not valid for pystan.stanc)

%%stan -f <stan_file_name> --stanc <stanc_compiler>

Saves the cell code to a file specified in <stan_file_name> and compiles using the stan compiler specified in <stanc_compiler>. By default, it uses stanc compiler in your path. If your path does not have the stanc compiler, use this option (e.g %%stan binom.stan --stanc "~/cmdstan-2.16.0/bin/stanc") or to specifically use pystan use %%stan -f binom.stan --stanc pystan

Note: %%stan magic currently outputs a StanMagicOutput object as default _stan_model object in your name_space

The -v option allows you to specify an alternate compile output object name, so that you can use specified object name instead of _stan_model.

This is useful if you have multiple %%stan model cells. Currently the output object exposes 3 attributes (model_name, model_code, model_file)

[_stan_model | <object_name>].model_file -> Name of stan_file

[_stan_model | <object_name>].model_name -> Name of stan model [None]

[_stan_model | <object_name>].model_code -> Model code


Example 1

In [1]: %load_ext stanmagic

In [2]: %%stan -f eight_schools.stan
        data {
            int<lower=0> J; // number of schools
            real y[J]; // estimated treatment effects
            real<lower=0> sigma[J]; // s.e. of effect estimates
          parameters {
            real mu;
            real<lower=0> tau
            real eta[J];
          transformed parameters {
            real theta[J];
            for (j in 1:J)
            theta[j] = mu + tau * eta[j];
          model {
            target += normal_lpdf(eta | 0, 1);
            target += normal_lpdf(y | theta, sigma);

In [3]: model = pystan.StanModel(file='eight_schools.stan')

Example 2

    In [1]: %load_ext stanmagic

    In [2]: %%stan -f eight_schools.stan
            data {
                int<lower=0> J; // number of schools
                real y[J]; // estimated treatment effects
                real<lower=0> sigma[J]; // s.e. of effect estimates
              parameters {
                real mu;
                real<lower=0> tau;
                real eta[J];
              transformed parameters {
                real theta[J];
                for (j in 1:J)
                theta[j] = mu + tau * eta[j];
              model {
                target += normal_lpdf(eta | 0, 1);
                target += normal_lpdf(y | theta, sigma);

In [3]: _stan_model

   In [4]: model = pystan.StanModel(file=_stan_model.model_file)

Example 3

    In [1]: %load_ext stanmagic

    In [2]: %%stan  -v model_test
            data {
                int<lower=0> J; // number of schools
                real y[J]; // estimated treatment effects
                real<lower=0> sigma[J]; // s.e. of effect estimates
              parameters {
                real mu;
                real<lower=0> tau;
                real eta[J];
              transformed parameters {
                real theta[J];
                for (j in 1:J)
                theta[j] = mu + tau * eta[j];
              model {
                target += normal_lpdf(eta | 0, 1);
                target += normal_lpdf(y | theta, sigma);

   In [3]: model = pystan.StanModel(model_code=model_test.model_code)

Example 4

    In [1]: %load_ext stanmagic

    In [2]: %%stan 
            data {
                int<lower=0> J; // number of schools
                real y[J]; // estimated treatment effects
                real<lower=0> sigma[J]; // s.e. of effect estimates
              parameters {
                real mu;
                real<lower=0> tau;
                real eta[J];
              transformed parameters {
                real theta[J];
                for (j in 1:J)
                theta[j] = mu + tau * eta[j];
              model {
                target += normal_lpdf(eta | 0, 1);
                target += normal_lpdf(y | theta, sigma);

   In [3]: model = pystan.StanModel(model_code=_stan_model.model_code)


stan-jupyter-magic is licensed under the MIT license. See the license file for details.


Stan Jupyter Magic







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