Web app for keeping notes.
I made this project to learn about unit testing and TDD: test-driven development. The scope was intended to be small in order to finish the project in a reasonable amount of time.
React - My framework of choice.
TypeScript - I use TypeScript for my projects.
Redux - For managing application state and applying middleware to save notes to local storage.
React Testing Library - The testing framework for Create Reat App.
React Beautiful DnD - The drag and drop library for mobile sizes. I chose it for easy setup for vertical lists.
React Draggable - The dragging library for large screen sizes. Chosen for its stateful dragging functionality. The exact position of each note is saved along with the rest of the note data.
Color - A library I used to automate colors for the note headers and some buttons.
$ git clone https://github.com/Android789515/react-clock.git
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
$ npm run build