Efficiently transfer ether or tokens to many addresses in batch, powered by Huff and WTF Academy, supporting 15 chains!
Efficiently transfer ether or tokens in batch. Saves 2~3% gas compared to Disperse App.
Support non-standard ERC20 (i.e. USDT).
Small contract size, saves ~80% gas on deployment.
website: batch.money
Network | Contract address |
ETH | 0xD35a289c1D5F6f6a604d6026111109694e51BA25 |
Optimism | 0x3484593c456D9C598C47754341718062318066Ba |
Scroll | 0x1b285Ffd0B19805947E7F285A922d2fFe5c4FE4d |
Base | 0x1b285Ffd0B19805947E7F285A922d2fFe5c4FE4d |
Arbitrum One | 0x63d9C12865336322Ca981E5d1392acde4fAdD3Dc |
Linea | 0x1b285Ffd0B19805947E7F285A922d2fFe5c4FE4d |
BNB Chain | 0x0D69079B60484ae97EA7DEaad370B61f9Da401F8 |
opBNB Chain | 0x1b285Ffd0B19805947E7F285A922d2fFe5c4FE4d |
Polygon | 0x927ec65329636525a5B00103De1c00d8Da9b08aD |
Polygon zkevm | 0x1b285Ffd0B19805947E7F285A922d2fFe5c4FE4d |
Public Goods Network | 0x1b285Ffd0B19805947E7F285A922d2fFe5c4FE4d |
Gnosis Chain | 0x1b285Ffd0B19805947E7F285A922d2fFe5c4FE4d |
Goerli | 0xDC7a1993196d63db926c3B2e1C42682f39885B96 |
Holesky | 0x1b285Ffd0B19805947E7F285A922d2fFe5c4FE4d |
Sepolia | 0x800A2bE9B6259E252eDE4a5a041C23ab994F2962 |
Scroll Sepolia | 0x1726348d59697D19Ce307E662da6a631381dB8dD |
Merlin Chain | 0x6e4e372baF0C3Ba74CdA7E7E6Ef4bF526A209Ec2 |
RSS3 VSL Mainnet | 0xC44c86E0Aaa90d914b194c347aaF9cf97823E3C8 |
To test the gas consumption fairly, we created a new tokens for different methods. For normal transfer, we record the gas used by transfering token to 1 address, and then multiply it by 100.
type | gas consumption | txn proof |
Normal Transfer | 5,212,400 | link single txn |
Disperse | 2,754,920 | link |
BatchMoney | 2,694,098 ✅ | link |
Compared to Dipserse, BatchMoney saves 80% on deployment and 2~3% on transfer ERC20/ETH to 1,000 addresses.
- Clone this repo or use template
git clone https://github.com/AmazingAng/BatchMoney
cd BatchMoney
- Install dependencies
forge install
- Build & Test
forge build
forge test
- Contracts: check
folder. - Tests: check
folder. - Frontend: check
folder. - Runtime bytecode:
- evm-shanghai:
- evm-paris(
not available):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
- evm-shanghai:
These contracts are unaudited and are not recommended for use in production.
The contract is experimental software and is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis.
We do not give any warranties and will not be liable for any loss incurred through any use of this codebase and product.