Note: This pipeline was designed to run on the Triton Shared Compute Cluster (TSCC) at the University of California - San Diego. Running it elsewhere will require modifying the source code.
The EnsembleVariantCallingPipeline takes files in FASTQ or BAM format and performs SNV and INDEL variant calling from 4 variant callers (Mutect2, Strelka2, Varscan2, MuSE) and indel variant calling from 3 variant callers (Mutect2, Strelka2, Varscan2).
- Clone the directory
git clone
cd EnsembleVariantCallingPipeline/
- Run the script.
DO NOT move on if the previous step is still running. Each step must finish completely before moving on to the next step.
- Generate project directory structure. (takes <2 minutes)
to create thejobs
directory in the output directory. The pipeline will generate.pbs
files for you to manually submit at each stage.run_evc \ path/to/fastq/files \ output/directory \ path/to/ \ email.for@notification \ reference_genome (fasta) \ pon (INTERNAL_PON or provide a PON for Mutect) \ gnomad_dbSNP \ known_indel_list \ base_recalibration_list \ max_walltime (hours only) \ queue (hotel or home) \ interval_list_for_mutect \ Optional: run refine? (yes or no) [default: no]
An exemplary suggested inputs:
run_evc \ path/to/fastq/files \ output/directory \ path/to/ \ email.for@notification \ /restricted/alexandrov-group/shared/Reference_Genomes/GRCh38.d1.vd1/GRCh38.d1.vd1.fa \ /projects/ps-lalexandrov/shared/Reference_Genomes/TCGA_GDC_files/tumor_normal_PONs/MuTect2.PON.5210.vcf.gz \ /restricted/alexandrov-group/shared/Reference_Genomes/dbSNP/af-only-gnomad.hg38_no_alt.vcf.gz \ /restricted/alexandrov-group/shared/Reference_Genomes/alignment_refinement/IndelRealignemnt_files.txt \ /restricted/alexandrov-group/shared/Reference_Genomes/alignment_refinement/BaseRecalibration_files.txt \ 500 \ home-alexandrov \ interval_list_for_mutect \ no
- Alignment (takes 10 minutes to several hours depending on job queue traffic and the size of your fastq files)
Performs alignment with bwa-mem and marks duplicates caused by PCR with Picard's (GATK's) MarkDuplicates.
- Navigate to the
directory in the output directory specified earlier. This directory contains the.pbs
scripts used to run alignment on your fastq samples on TSCC. - Submit all alignment jobs to the job queue.
for pbs_file in *.pbs; do qsub ${pbs_file}; done
This script will generate directories and perform alignment for each of your samples directly under
. Within each of these, the script will generate tumor and normal_raw.bam
files and then tumor and normal_mkdp.bam
files. - Check that your aligned `.bam` files were generated properly. A quick method of checking the integrity of every bam file quickly is by running `samtools quickcheck` on the `.bam` files (*Note: empty output means there were no errors*). Here is a script to quickly check all of your files:
output_dir=[your output directory] for f in ${output_dir}/*/*_mkdp.bam; do echo Checking ${f}: ; samtools quickcheck $f; done
- Navigate to the
- (Optional) Refine alignment (takes several hours)
You might want to skip this step if you believe your fastq files are of high quality since this step takes a long time to run. If you originally ran
with refinement disabled, you can still run refinement by rerunningrun_evc
with the refinement option enabled.- Navigate to the
directory. - Submit all
files to job queue.for pbs_file in *_targetInterval.pbs; do qsub ${pbs_file}; done
This script will subsequently submit the
files. - Once finished, you can check the refined bam files, which are named
, using the same program as after alignmentsamtools quickcheck
.output_dir=[your output directory] for f in ${output_dir}/*/*_final.bam; do echo Checking ${f}: ; samtools quickcheck $f; done
- Navigate to the
- Generating the panel of normals (takes about 1 hour) - WIP. Does not work yet. Please pass in your own panel of normals or use an empty file as a placeholder.
The panel of normals (PON) is useful in filtering out sequencing errors caused by limitations specific to the sequencing machine used. By comparing all normal samples in a batch that used the same sequening machine, this can identify recurrent mutations caused by technical artifacts from the machine. It can either be passed in through
or generated from the bam files. The file is required to run Mutect2.- Navigate to the
directory. - Submit all
jobs to the job queue.for pbs_file in *_pon.pbs; do qsub ${pbs_file}; done
- Combine all individual pons into a merged pon
TODO: add code
- Navigate to the
- Run variant calling (takes several hours)
The order of running the variant callers does not matter since they work independently. Filtering the
files after variant calling is highly recommended.- Mutect2
Submit the
files underjobs/mutect
.cd jobs/mutect for pbs_file in *_mutect.pbs; do qsub ${pbs_file}; done
- Strelka2
Submit the
files underjobs/strelka
.cd jobs/strelka for pbs_file in *_strelka.pbs; do qsub ${pbs_file}; done
- Varscan2
Submit the
files underjobs/varscan
.cd jobs/varscan for pbs_file in *_varscan.pbs; do qsub ${pbs_file}; done
- MuSE
Submit the
files underjobs/muse
.cd jobs/muse for pbs_file in *_muse.pbs; do qsub ${pbs_file}; done
- Mutect2
DO NOT move on if the previous step is still running. Each step must finish completely before moving on to the next step.
- Generate project directory structure. (takes <2 minutes)
to create thejobs
directory in the output directory. The pipeline will generate.pbs
files for you to manually submit at each stage.run_evc_bam \ path/to/bam/files \ output/directory \ path/to/ \ email.for@notification \ reference_genome (fasta) \ pon (INTERNAL_PON) \ gnomad_dbSNP \ max_walltime (hours only) \ queue (hotel or home) \ interval_list_for_mutect
- Follow the "Running from fastq" pipeline starting at step 5: Run variant calling
One shall submit the jobs at each stage step by step: (DO NOT move to the next step until the previous step is finished and verified.)