Task for NLP(Natural Language Process) class.
If you love the repo or the repo is helpful for you, the star ⭐ is welcomed 🤗.
But the repo is only to record the time about my life and happiness.🤗 Peace and love 🤟
Clone this repo
Run jupyter-notebook
and open deployment_of_chatbot.ipynb
Run code
Based on Method 2 Load model.npz
load_weights = tl.files.load_npz(name='model.npz')
tl.files.assign_weights(load_weights, model_)
│ ├─.ipynb_checkpoints
│ ├─twitter
│ │ └─__pycache__
│ └─__pycache__
│ ├─pic
│ └─pic2
└─support resource
What are you guys doing I am inspired by my teacher, Banana, who is about the same age as us and qt as banana. Although the data of today is December 17, 2021 and the time for task goes by, we will never stop and keep running.
The links that appear in the image:
- Simple deployment
- Simple useage
- Simple show
- Further konwledge about Seq2seq for me
- Better show skill for me
- Deploy on github pages
- Train a powerful model
- Perform well for interaction
- https://github.com/nlpinaction/learning-nlp
- https://blog.csdn.net/daniellibin/article/details/103290169
- http://www.lcsays.com/tags/%E8%87%AA%E5%B7%B1%E5%8A%A8%E6%89%8B%E5%81%9A%E8%81%8A%E5%A4%A9%E6%9C%BA%E5%99%A8%E4%BA%BA/
- https://github.com/songyingxin/TextClassification
- https://github.com/tensorlayer/seq2seq-chatbot
- https://overreacted.io/preparing-for-tech-talk-part-1-motivation/
- https://overreacted.io/preparing-for-tech-talk-part-2-what-why-and-how/
- https://overreacted.io/preparing-for-tech-talk-part-3-content/
- http://www.tlu.ee/~rajaleid/montaazh/Hero%27s%20Journey%20Arch.pdf
- https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1eA411u7Wj
- https://github.com/conanhujinming/How_to_give_a_talk/blob/main/how_to_give_a_talk_conanhujinming.pdf
- https://github.com/eternnoir/pyTelegramBotAPI
- 《Python聊天机器人开发 基于自然语言处理与机器学习》 【印】Sumit Raj