This is an Expo project created with create-expo-app
Install dependencies
npm install
Testing app in web
npx expo start --web
This code is developed fully in typescript. All screens of this project are included in app folder, which are:
index.tsx, home.tsx, product.tsx
index.tsx is accesible on default route "/", so that user on web can open it with url (provided metro bundler is running) localhost:8081/
home.tsx for Home page renders on "/home" path localhost:8081/home
Similarly product page renders on localhost:8081/product
The home page, which is contained in index page, displays a banner, under which there are 2 collections, each showing images of 2 products
When user in home page clicks on any product image, it passes the product json as params to the product page while navigating to it through expo-router
That JSON is used to show the featured image of the product, and the the image of 3 of its variants, which are clickable buttons
On clicking any such variant image button in product page, the variant title, gets stored in some state, so that when the user then clicks the ADD TO CART button, it shows the title of the selected variant as toast message
Two sepearate components variants.tsx, and collections.tsx created in components folder, to add some modularity in code.