Hey, This Is Feedback Bot Made By Using Python And Pyrogram Framework This is enovation of AkKiL 😇.
This Bot Works Like Independent @LivegramBot, But With Extra Command And Even Logs Of The User Who Have Used Start Command Of The Bot...
git clone https://github.com/AkkilMG/Feedback-bot/
cd Feedback-bot
virtualenv -p python3 VENV
. ./VENV/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
cp configs.py
--- EDIT config.py values appropriately ---
python bot.py
- None
BOT_TOKEN | Your Bots Token from Bot Father. |
API_ID | Your Telegram API ID from Telegram API ID. |
API_HASH | Your Bots Token from Telegram API HASH. |
AUTH_USERS | Provide AUTH User ID to use admin function |
BROADCAST_AS_COPYS | If you provide value False then it will Forward with tag and if you give value as True then without tag. As True or False |
LOG_CHANNEL | Make a channel add the bot as admin and get the id of the channel using @googleimgbot |
DB_URL | Provided Mongodb Database link from mongodb.com |
DB_NAME | Provide name for DB to make session (anything) |
UPDATE_CHANNEL | Your Channel Link |
SUPPORT_GROUP | Your Group Link |
DONATE_LINK | Your Donation Link |
DONATE_TEXT | Your Donate Text as a string. |
OWNER_ID | Your ID Or Who need is going to handle this bot. |
START_TEXT | Your Start message as a string & There Is default Of 'Hello '. |
HELP_TEXT | Your Help Text as a string. |
start - To Start
help - To get help
donate - To get donate
settings - To get settings
stats - To get stats
ban_user - To ban user
unban_user - To unban user
banned_users - To get banned user
broadcast - To Broadcast [Admin]
Kangers Keep Some Distance..
If You Have Cloned It Up Before
Reading This Just Atleast Give Me
Thank You 🥰
If Anyone Want To Contribute Some Commits. They Can Upgrade It.. With Description About Update And A Test Bot.
- Thanks To AkKiL