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EMQX is the most scalable and popular open-source MQTT broker with a high performance that connects 100M+ IoT devices in 1 cluster at 1ms latency. Move and process millions of MQTT messages per second.
The EMQX v5.0 has been verified in test scenarios to scale to 100 million concurrent device connections, which is a critically important milestone for IoT designers. It also comes with plenty of exciting new features and huge performance improvements, including a more powerful rule engine, enhanced security management, Mria database extension, and much more to enhance the scalability of IoT applications.
During the last several years, EMQX has gained popularity among IoT companies and is used by more than 20,000 global users from over 50 countries, with more than 100 million IoT device connections supported worldwide.
For more information, please visit EMQX homepage.
The simplest way to set up EMQX is to create a managed deployment with EMQX Cloud. You can try EMQX Cloud for free, no credit card required.
docker run -d --name emqx -p 1883:1883 -p 8083:8083 -p 8084:8084 -p 8883:8883 -p 18083:18083 emqx/emqx:latest
Or install EMQX Enterprise with a built-in license for ten connections that never expire.
docker run -d --name emqx-ee -p 1883:1883 -p 8081:8081 -p 8083:8083 -p 8084:8084 -p 8883:8883 -p 18083:18083 emqx/emqx-ee:latest
Next, please follow the getting started guide to tour the EMQX features.
For details: EMQX Operator.
If you prefer to install and manage EMQX yourself, you can download the latest version from www.emqx.io/downloads.
For more installation options, see the EMQX installation documentation.
The EMQX documentation is available at www.emqx.io/docs/en/latest/.
The EMQX Enterprise documentation is available at docs.emqx.com/en/.
Please see our contributing.md.
For more organised improvement proposals, you can send pull requests to EIP.
- Follow @EMQTech on Twitter.
- If you have a specific question, check out our discussion forums.
- For general discussions, join us on the official Discord team.
- Keep updated on EMQX YouTube by subscribing.
A series of blogs to help developers get started quickly with MQTT in PHP, Node.js, Python, Golang, and other programming languages.
We have selected popular MQTT client SDKs in various programming languages and provided code examples to help you quickly understand the use of MQTT clients.
An elegant cross-platform MQTT 5.0 client tool that provides desktop, command line, and web to help you develop and debug MQTT services and applications faster.
Build a reliable, efficient, and industry-specific IoV platform based on EMQ's practical experience, from theoretical knowledge such as protocol selection to practical operations like platform architecture design.
The master
branch is for the latest version 5 release, checkout branch main-v4.3
for version 4.3 and main-v4.4
for version 4.4.
EMQX requires OTP 22 or 23 for version 4.3, and OTP 24 for 4.4 and 5.0.
git clone https://github.com/emqx/emqx.git
cd emqx
_build/emqx/rel/emqx/bin/emqx console
For 4.2 or earlier versions, release has to be built from another repo.
git clone https://github.com/emqx/emqx-rel.git
cd emqx-rel
_build/emqx/rel/emqx/bin/emqx console
Homebrew on Apple silicon changed default location of it's home directory from /usr/local
to /opt/homebrew
and as a result a few things broke in the process.
Concerning EMQX, when you install unixodbc
package (one of the dependencies) via Homebrew, and build Erlang/OTP with kerl, kerl will not be able to find unixodbc
Here is how to solve it:
brew install unixodbc kerl
sudo ln -s $(realpath $(brew --prefix unixodbc)) /usr/local/odbc
export CC="/usr/bin/gcc -I$(brew --prefix unixodbc)/include"
export LDFLAGS="-L$(brew --prefix unixodbc)/lib"
kerl build 24.3
mkdir ~/.kerl/installations
kerl install 24.3 ~/.kerl/installations/24.3
. ~/.kerl/installations/24.3/activate
Then you can proceed with make